New Tax Rate

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Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
You know so many younger voters are just plain dumb and have no idea how the government operates and where the money comes from! People litterly believe when the government ,Feds, need money they just go print up what they need end of story! No clue at all ,you gotta laugh. Then try and explain it,they don't get it!

It's like a dumb commercial jingle. If they play it enough it gets stuck in your head. "The Government Needs More Money, We Aren't Paying Much."

Reality is that a typical middle class worker pays over 50% taxes:

Computer Recycling
Tire Recycling
Park Fees / Off Road Fees
Airline Tax
Fuel Tax
Cig Tax
Alcohol Tax
Hotel Tax
Social Security

The % of Government Employees has been climbing steadily since 1970, with no end in site. Government workers are at 3.8% unemployment, far lower than private citizens.

How do they pay for more employees with "no tax increases"? RIIGGGHHTT...


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
Unemployment shouldn’t last longer than a month, if you can't find some sort of temp job in a month then you deserve to die off. We still have a huge number of illegal immigrants crossing over into the US for jobs, we don't have a job shortage, we have a bunch of people who are too good to work shitty jobs that need to be done, but yet are not too good to collect off the people that are. Sorry but I would, as an aerospace engineer and rated professional pilot, rather go pull weeds in a cotton farm than collect unemployment longer than a few weeks. There are lots of jobs, we just don’t have the people willing to work them and won’t until we cut the handouts


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Then ****ing move i work 800 miles from were i live to provide for my family your just making up excuses we cant take care of everyone. if you really wanna work go find it i had to the economy died in idaho and i was starving so i bucked up and went to north dakota.

the systems all need shut down unemployment at 26 weeks is a paid by the private sector and is fine the rest get rid of...

and i agree with firing every politcian from the white house down i also think we need term limits on the house/senate and the supreme court justices

Yeah you were starving... It would be kind of stupid for me to move considering i make 65-80k per year. Sounds like a really intelligent plan... Unemployment isnt the problem here. Carry on though your starving and know everything:thumb:


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I will explain unemployment tax and compensation in Florida. Each state can vary. At worst case I have to pay $432.00 in premium per person per year. Each person can receive a maximum of $6,750.00 per six months. Now figure in extended benefits at 96 weeks. I would pay $864.00 and a person could receive $27,000.00 in benefits. That would pit the tax payers (general working public) a tab if $26,136.00 to pick up. How long do you think that can keep working? Why do you think companies move to other countries? Our government does thus in just about every facet if their functions. It is not a practice that can attain financial stability or growth period. I do care about my future as well as my children's future. We can't pass the buck to someone else. It requires us to act responsibly now or there won't be a future for any of us.

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You are probably correct on your figures:thumb: But your forgetting the important part of your equation. How many people actually draw that unemployment from you? If you have 100 people working for you and lay 5 guys off this winter its not a big deal. Actually the governement would be making money off you.


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
Yeah you were starving... It would be kind of stupid for me to move considering i make 65-80k per year. Sounds like a really intelligent plan... Unemployment isnt the problem here. Carry on though your starving and know everything:thumb:

Here's the problem with Federal Unemployment:

Let's say California passes some really stupid laws that chase the businesses away, and the people away. Now their unemployment goes nuts.

Why should somebody in North Dakota have to pay the bill for that?

It's Taxation without Representation. They did not vote for the dumb California laws, but now they must pay for the damages.

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
You are probably correct on your figures:thumb: But your forgetting the important part of your equation. How many people actually draw that unemployment from you? If you have 100 people working for you and lay 5 guys off this winter its not a big deal. Actually the governement would be making money off you.

I am correct in my figures. I don't lay people off. I take it personal to keep those that work for me busy or give them enough time to find something else so they aren't put in that situation. Running the math on your scenario, if those five guys drew their maximum benefits the government would loose $48,600.00. In most cases an employer with that many employees catches it much worse than I do. Probably every state unemployment system went broke and received federal loans to pay for extended benefits. Its a complete cluster f---.

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Finally boosted launches
Sep 10, 2012
Can't speak for anyone but me,when I was in highschool dad passed away,mom was poor,I worked 40 plus hours a week waiting tables and bussing tables,plus paid for my trade school,which was a tech school for okla state,so I had to pay college prices. Then when I moved to the dallas area first company I worked at laid off 3 of us after I had been there 6 monthes,I took the first job I could that week working for a shitty company,but you do what you have to do. I think we have a mix,people who live places where jobs are scarce,and the other,lazy ass people. Also,in my trade we need people,but people seem to have a problem with getting dirty,hot,doing heavy work,working o.t.


The Still Master
I'm better off not saying anything..........:eek:.............BUT,

But I admire someone who picks up and moves to find work, who doesn't sit around waiting for the Government to hold their hand and take care of them !!!!

Those who are employed by a Union, maybe you have no work because the Union is charging too much and a private company does the same job/work for a better price !!!! Don't know but most Union guys I know have been struggling for the last 4 years and OBUNGA is their man...............:roflmao:

I collected unemployment once in my life, about 9 years ago and when I went there and saw the losers that were there trying to collect and the state employees that administered the program I walked out of the room shaking my head !!!! I collected for two weeks and when the Unemployment Office called me to come in and I had to waste a day there on a computer looking at minimum wage jobs when my current rate at the time I was laid off was $21.85/hr I said to myself "screw this !!!".

I restarted my construction company and partnered with my father in 2004 and went back into it full time and then incorporated Ridge Runner Diesel in April of 2006.............nobody can lay me off or tell me what to do and I like it that way.

My advice, follow your dream, nothing better that being the boss and doing your own thing..........if the government shut down or stopped sending checks I wouldn't even notice.



Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Here's the problem with Federal Unemployment:

Let's say California passes some really stupid laws that chase the businesses away, and the people away. Now their unemployment goes nuts.

Why should somebody in North Dakota have to pay the bill for that?

It's Taxation without Representation. They did not vote for the dumb California laws, but now they must pay for the damages.

let's say California passes some really stupid laws that chase the businesses away

Um they have many states have and surely the federal government has and that's why we have such a high unemployment rate! Last I checked every state has representation at the federal level. So everyone of those rotten SOB'S past and present got us in this situation so unfortunately we all suffer but I get your point!


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Yeah you were starving... It would be kind of stupid for me to move considering i make 65-80k per year. Sounds like a really intelligent plan... Unemployment isnt the problem here. Carry on though your starving and know everything:thumb:

was starving i make more then you now :thumb: the economy died i was a elctritian there was not enough work to stay busy so i went to were the work was rather then sit and do nothing collect unemployment and hope the ecomonmy turned around to get my good job back.

your attitude is a typical union persons :rolleyes:


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Until states stop taking a ton of federal money for schools/roads/infrastructure etc, there won't be much state independence.

States can talk all they want bout how they don't like big govt. but, none will say no to the money.

I know most people hate NJ, but you guys see Gov. Christie commenting on the powers in suits and telling em that this is why people hate Washington DC?

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Until states stop taking a ton of federal money for schools/roads/infrastructure etc, there won't be much state independence.

States can talk all they want bout how they don't like big govt. but, none will say no to the money.

I know most people hate NJ, but you guys see Gov. Christie commenting on the powers in suits and telling em that this is why people hate Washington DC?

In Florida the governor has turned down money a couple times now. The Feds wanted to give money for building a high speed rail system. He turned it down because he said that operation and maintenance was going to cost more than it could bring in. He was a business man before being governor. Lots of people do not like him because he has the balls to make the tough choices.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
Yeah you were starving... It would be kind of stupid for me to move considering i make 65-80k per year. Sounds like a really intelligent plan... Unemployment isnt the problem here. Carry on though your starving and know everything:thumb:

I don't mean to be a dick, but making 65-80k a year, and you "need" to collect unemployment?! Don't you know how to save for a rainy day? You make twice what I do! Again, sorry to be a dick, but this is just a question, or observation... or whatever.


Whats A Budget???
Apr 1, 2008
MI, NC, now Hawaii
Well one thing that I'm sure everyone will be happy about is that the Marine Corps its no longer just giving bonuses out to people to stay in that shouldn't be in in the first place.

At least some money is being saved or just spent somewhere else


Apr 16, 2007
The Navy has been kicking out dead weight bodys. Which is good on saving money and getting rid of worthless people.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
As an outsider I don't think it's fair that the blame be put on Obama for what he has had to do to fix the mess.

The real bandits are Wall Street and deregulation of the financial industry. They made billions playing casino games with your money and creating false values. Fact is, this goes back to the Reagan administration and got worse with Bush.

You can't have someone making $40K/year in a $300,000 mortgage that's back loaded, it doesn't work. More over, it's amazing how much people complain about taxes and government spending but certainly have no problem buying alcohol, cigarettes and gambling.

Fact is, life is what you make it. If you want a better life, work for it. I've lost plenty of friends because I'm in a higher income bracket, well, guess what, me and my wife work our asses off, she spent 6 years getting a post secondary education.

Couldn't have said it better. It's not all Obama's fault. He's introducing changes and stuff his administration feels necessary to turn things around. Y'all may not like it but this has been piling up for decades and the way I see it, something drastic will need to be done to turn it around.
The free phones are ridiculous. Anything frivolous or considered a luxury and not necessary to sustain a decent quality of life should be cut from all social programs.
When times get tough, you gotta tighten up the way you live to survive.

Where is the 4g?


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
was starving i make more then you now :thumb: the economy died i was a elctritian there was not enough work to stay busy so i went to were the work was rather then sit and do nothing collect unemployment and hope the ecomonmy turned around to get my good job back.

your attitude is a typical union persons :rolleyes:

Are you nuts? You are saying i should move because i get laid off every winter:confused: Good Job you make more money but i get a vacation while its -5 degrees outside and your working all damn year. Its not my fault i get laid off due to mother nature, im sorry i wont go work at mcd's for a couple months a year because i have unemployment to cover me cause my employer pays it all year for me. Not sure what you make but if i worked 12 months i doubt you would make much more. If you do congrats for you hopefully you dont lose your job or you may need unemployment.... Or wait your such a badass you will just go sell peanuts since there isnt any other jobs...Wait you will just move again. Man you sure have all the answers:roflmao: And your union remark is a VERY uneducated stupid response. Believe everything you see on TV:roflmao: I can tell you probably are a closet Obama voter:rolleyes: Im union and i didnt vote for him so that can tell you how lazy i am right?
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