LB7: New Injector Design

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
The fact is nobody that isn't deemed important can post information or rumors of forthcoming products without getting ripped for some reason. I thought this forum was suppose to help provide people of lesser knowledge with some experiences from people of greater knowledge forthe better good. If this isn't a real reason for this forum then maybe it shouldn't even exist.

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Oct 21, 2009
First of all if relentless doesn't work for Bosch why is everyone jumping on his ass for posting this? Second if you don't understand how an injector can be improved upon then maybe keep your opinions to yourself. There have been numerous revisions by Bosch to the LB7 injector so a new design wouldn't suprise me at all. Look at dodge 8 and 5 hole crd injectors. Guess what Bosch revised those and they are calibrated entirely different with a different nozzle and they flow differently across the board. Revisions and new designs happen, most people just don't know about them.
Thank you
So these were bought directly from Bosch? And you are also getting the first public set?
Yes they are direct from Bosch. I am not getting the first set. But one of the sets out of the first shipment if that makes sense. They are sending a shipment over seas here to the US and I will be getting a set.
Lol down to name calling because im asking for some factual information eh? You dont like what i ask then i dont know what to tell you, its not gunna come sugar coated. Gettin all bent up because me and im sure others would actually like see some facts to back your statment dont help much. So have fun and let me know when you actually have something to back this thread up, untill then your just spreadin a rumor.

Well Rhall Answered it the technical not trying to come off calling names you just came off stong and I was just trying to post something I thought people would like to here about.

just because you dont want to finally hear some good news about these injectors doesn't mean you have throw down the idea of it, your calling him a liar so are you going to call him a god when they come out or just be butt hurt?

i would like to hear more on this!
Thank you
What most of you guys dont understand is these threads get started DAILY on here about all these new items and it seems they are always hearsay, or a buddy off mine said this or that! All Chevy1925 is asking for is some factual evidence to ligitimize this thread so something useful comes out of it.
RHall took care of that
if i had to guess there is some truth to it. doubt its the first set out there

Bosch just upgraded the ball bearings to 30weight, its suppose to increase injector life. Time will tell, as for the 40% over, thats false, its 42%.
I do stand corrected yes 42%
I forgot to mention, these are going to be painted cat yellow too. Cat designed the new 30 weight ball bearing back when they were building a motor for chevy, and just now sold the design to bosch. I guess the first set is making into the states today after it goes through customs.

Thank you for putting the technical information in there as you worded it perfectly.


Diesel Head
Jan 15, 2010
Sherwood Park, AB Canada
Not to jump into the arguement, but when you have information please keep us in the loop. I'm interested to see what Bosch comes out with, have an LB7 I'm eyeing up for a rebuild with twin's;)


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
Bosch just upgraded the ball bearings to 30weight, its suppose to increase injector life. Time will tell, as for the 40% over, thats false, its 42%.

I forgot to mention, these are going to be painted cat yellow too. Cat designed the new 30 weight ball bearing back when they were building a motor for chevy, and just now sold the design to bosch. I guess the first set is making into the states today after it goes through customs.

I think hes just making a joke and fuking with all of you guys. Time will tell?