It's all good man. Its the luck of the draw. Thats why they call it team borrowed time
I know I hammered the shit out of this thing shooting for the 11's, as well as my fare share of street racing. Its awesome to have a great bunch of guys local to me all willing to give advise/helping hand. Thats one of the main reasons I'm choosing to build. Just cuz I broke before I got there, don't mean you should give up :woott:
Toying with the idea. I like the thought of easy change injectors and no cup issues. No LBZ rods here though. Going to have to play with the big boys and pony up.
Here's the build List so far (really a wish list as this is over 10g):
Fingers pistons
ARP head/main studs
HX Bearings
New Tig'd water pump
New oil pump/cooler (LML?)
Balanced/keyed crank, cam, oil pump
100 over Exergy injectors
New HG's
The heads will get hamilton/socal/DTS springs. Stock cam. Going to have to bite the bullet and buy new Bosch injectors as mine are the old style. Not going to play with fire and put tips on them even though they are perfect last time I checked. Fogetting anything?