You can actually raise the voltage and/or time parameters for that code so MAP pressure can go higher without coding, or the code can be shut off completely, or the boost can be lowered. It's really up to you what option you choose. The boost is a little on the high side for the stock turbo, but the way I came up with those boost tables was to go to the high altitude boost tables and use a multiplier so the numbers in the upper left corner corner were 12 and 14.5 for the medium and low altitude boost tables respectively. The reason I did this was because since turbos work off pressure ratios rather than overall boost numbers, I figured it would be safe to use the pressure ratios that GM uses. The high altitude boost tables have very high pressure ratios compared to the stock boost tables for medium and low altitude. You can find out what the pressure ratio is by dividing total boost, which is the numbers in the boost tables, by the pressure in front of the turbo, which for all practical purposes is barometric pressure and is found in the upper left corner of the boost tables for the table you are checking.
I hope that what I wrote was somewhat understandable. Let me know what you want to do about that code, and I'll either fix it or tell you how to so you can fix it.