good article on the new lml engine

Triple L

Lots of learning
Dec 4, 2009
Kitchener, ON
The DPF was a "special" load. Soot is CARBON. It'll settle down, wash away, break down and return to nature. It just looks "nasty" (to the enviro-nuts). BTW, what happens when it regens?? uhhh.... More "emissions"? That soot's gotta go SOMEWHERE! :rolleyes:

EXACTLY!!! Nobody else thougth of that???


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Your extra urea got stolen. The jug froze and busted and now is empty in the back of your truck. Your roughy dumped it out so he could fill it with oil to top up engines on lease. Your roughy stepped on the jug and busted it when he was filling up your truck/equipment. One of your guys threw it into the back of the truck to make room in the backseat for gear/guys/beer!

All this stuff can and has happened in the past! I guarantee it will be an issue that many are going to have!!

yeah, us weenie city slickers. Please pleaaaaase dont play that card, I used to drive into canada fairly often where you're on a desolate road for 200 miles and its -30* out, so I know what its like to pray your truck doesnt break down. Just because we arent REAL MEN up in the yukon doing ice road trucking doesnt mean we dont put our life in the hands of a working truck. :rolleyes:

So say if someone wants to play the "what if" card. You're in an LBZ in the middle of nowhere and you get a short in the wiring and fry the ECM. Your in the middle of nowhere in an LB7 and your injectors fail and fill the crankcase with diesel. You're in an LBZ and your trans cooler lines freeze and the transmission fries (because that NEVER happends on the LBZ's in extreme cold!! :p: ). What now? What are you going to do.

seriously guys. If it scares you, then enjoy your LMM or older and dont buy a new truck. But thats no reason to scare everyone else out of buying one. Doomsday theorists of the world unite, jeezuz.

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<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Another thing. Your 500 miles from nowhere NWT/Yukon/Alberta/BC and your level switch for the urea craps its pants. It's -45C outside. Are you going to have to drive 5mph till you meet someone else to help you out?

Yep! I guess thats just what you're going to have to do! Sorry about your luck. :D

You real men can stick to your 12-valve dirt simple LMM and older trucks. I know Id buy an LML in a second if I had the money. I trust GM tested them in cold places (oh but probably not as cold as you badass rugged eskimos)

Or how bout just DONT SHUT THE TRUCK OFF. Im sure all the pessimists glossed right over the part that said it wont suddenly go into limp mode while driving if you run out of urea (or if the level sensor craps out...which, really, how likely is that...whens was the last time you heard of a GM fuel level sensor crapping out???) will say "speed limited upon restart".

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Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Can ANYONE provide a link or something with more info on the new trucks? Please!!!


Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
why is everyone bitching about the urea? Its not going to be that bad/that big a deal, honestly.

Its going to be GREAT for the trucks, im excited for it. It will clean up the air, do wonders for fuel economy, and SOMEONE ANSWER ME.....WHAT IS THE DOWNSIDE????? There is NONE. I challenge someone to come up with a legit argument for a downside to it.

and I dont want to hear "well the trucks worked fine without it, its just one more thing to break!!!". Thats such a poor answer/argument, look at all the complicated technology that has been on the duramax since 2001...HPCR fuel injection, a body thats completely run on a computer data bus, completely electronic transmission, drive by wire, etc... I guarantee you all that crap is wayyy more complicated and failure prone from a technological standpoint than the entire urea-system.

You guys are all just being stubborn and dismissing it because OMG its some NEW technology.

and before everyone starts getting all up in arms about it, READ THE DETAILS. It will NOT go into limp mode WHILE DRIVING. If you drive it until the tank is empty, it will ding and say "speed limited upon next restart".

as for the cost of urea, you have to refill it every 5,000 miles and it costs about 2.50 a gallon, and the tank holds 5 gallons. If you are spending 50k++ on a diesel pickup truck, STFU, you can afford an extra 13 dollars every 5,000 miles.

Rant off, no offense meant to anyone... :)


Since some of us base our decisions on facts and not made up theories about global warming, I'll take a shot at this, since when has any of the new standard emissons equipment been good? Or for that matter any of the goverment mandated equipment been good? Other than driving up the cost of the base vehicle and hinders fuel mileage. Downside, how much will this drive up the already insanily expensive duramax option due to all the other goverment mandated emissons gargbage? Twin EGR's, DPF, and Urea injection? No, thanks, I'd rather own a gasser, than buy a new LML pay for a bunch of stuff that will create problems for me should I choose to not void the warranty, or pay for all of that just to remove it, let the truck operate the way it should and void my warranty. Cummins sales will increase, because of this, the diesel option will slide back into obscurity, you're going to be very hard pressed to find people that can justify the Duramax/Allison option anymore.


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Since some of us base our decisions on facts.

the damn trucks arent even out yet and no one on here has ANY experience with them, so I dont know where you are getting your "FACTS".

if they come out and prove to be a PITA, then bitch about them all you want, but to be already dismissing it now is ignorant.



Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
the damn trucks arent even out yet and no one on here has ANY experience with them, so I dont know where you are getting your "FACTS".

if they come out and prove to be a PITA, then bitch about them all you want, but to be already dismissing it now is ignorant.


Your telling me its not a Fact that more needless emissons equipment may or may not be a good thing? Ignorant? Pot calling the kettle black?


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Your telling me its not a Fact that more needless emissons equipment may or may not be a good thing? Ignorant? Pot calling the kettle black?
I think he's saying is they may not be a bad thing.


Grumpy, old, farty, funny
Jan 14, 2010
Foof Filter

Someone told me the Fords burn (or used to) diesel in the exhaust filter. is that an option? How much back pressure do these filters give/take?


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
RC/SB with ~400HP LML = Factory Hotrod.

I do disagree with the 5000mi Urea capacity. Not enough. They should have made it match the fuel filter life or suggested oil change interval. The average owner does not service their own automobiles, and this will mean the most common maintance will be the Urea tank so it WILL be perceived as a nuisance. If it lasted until their next service visit, it would be painless.
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Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
one question- can one not just buy a spare ECM to use as their tuning ECM to avoid the refusal of warranty? yes this may cost more than the current options, but who really thinks things will ever be cheaper? when have things ever gotten cheaper in the past? i don't mind the urea injection at all, it's not rocket science. hell if someone doesnt understand how to do it, send them to my house, i'll fix them right up :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
RC/SB with ~400HP LML = Factory Hotrod.

I do disagree with the 5000mi Urea capacity. Not enough. They should have made it match the fuel filter life or suggested oil change interval. The average owner does not service their own automobiles, and this will mean the most common maintance will be the Urea tank so it WILL be perceived as a nuisance. If it lasted until their next service visit, it would be painless.

I agree!!

I'm not saying that this Urea stuff is bad at all-in fact I think it's a good thing. I just don't agree with the limp mode deal. It will muff someone up severly-I guarantee it!


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
one question- can one not just buy a spare ECM to use as their tuning ECM to avoid the refusal of warranty? yes this may cost more than the current options, but who really thinks things will ever be cheaper? when have things ever gotten cheaper in the past? i don't mind the urea injection at all, it's not rocket science. hell if someone doesnt understand how to do it, send them to my house, i'll fix them right up :D

you'll have to buy a new ECM and TCM both. The body electronics stayed the same so hopefully stuff isnt logged anywhere else (besides the ECM and TCM).



Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
yeah, us weenie city slickers. Please pleaaaaase dont play that card, I used to drive into canada fairly often where you're on a desolate road for 200 miles and its -30* out, so I know what its like to pray your truck doesnt break down. Just because we arent REAL MEN up in the yukon doing ice road trucking doesnt mean we dont put our life in the hands of a working truck. :rolleyes:

Driving in Eastern Canada where 65% of the population lives doesn't count unless your up around Hudson Bay. When was the last time you personally drove out there for 5 hrs and never saw another living thing Ben? I bet never!! Ice road trucking and real men as you call them has nothing to do with this. I'm talking about people that have to work in places where most ride their sleds because they are easier to get around with and are more reliable!! And yes many don't shut their trucks off because they won't start again. I shut my service truck down everytime I fuel up to check oil and that's it when I worked up north. The rest of the time it was running until it warmed up to-20C.

So say if someone wants to play the "what if" card. You're in an LBZ in the middle of nowhere and you get a short in the wiring and fry the ECM. Your in the middle of nowhere in an LB7 and your injectors fail and fill the crankcase with diesel. You're in an LBZ and your trans cooler lines freeze and the transmission fries (because that NEVER happends on the LBZ's in extreme cold!! :p: ). What now? What are you going to do.

seriously guys. If it scares you, then enjoy your LMM or older and dont buy a new truck. But thats no reason to scare everyone else out of buying one. Doomsday theorists of the world unite, jeezuz.

Gimme a break clown. This isn't a what if card. This is a WILL HAPPEN situation.

Trucks break down. Break downs aren't always predictable so your analogy doesn't hold any water. We are talking about an item that needs to be serviced periodically that even though not servicing it does ABSOLUTELY NO HARM to the engine, it pretty much will shut you down just because the tree huggers want it to. Alot different from blowing a hose.

I just don't see your angle here. Why would you want an emission control system to limp your truck to 5mph? REGARDLESS of the situation?
Dumbest thing I ever heard.