Eaton OH Pull


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Let me know if you need the sizing of this restrictor tube for your testing.

What are the specs (size and material)? Or do you have one available for testing? I spoke with Smokem on CompD and he is trying to get me one so I can get it to Pat. If you had one to let Pat "borrow", it would save time (instead of me going through the middle man).

An enthusiest in Florida also said he would test as well to get some more feedback/data.

I would like to find some Dodges and possibly some Fords to test it on as well to do due dilligence. Ideally same dyno, same day with 2.6 or greater turbos.

I know it's a leap of faith and nothing may never come from it, but without testing we will never know if it's viable. If it's viable I'm willing to do whatever it takes to lobby for it.



Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Maybe he or she is just trying to get ahead of the curve :spit::roflmao::thumb:

I wasn't sure if Todd wanted it known or not so I did not say anything, but......

I can honestly say (after meeting him and his wife at Merchant's in 07) that I believe he would be doing to help the sport more than for himself (although testing never hurts anybody :D:woott:).

Anybody can volunteer to test (and actually would be better as far as data gathering). If anyone wants in, send me your contact info.

Edit: Is Florida really that small :spit::D


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
While in the ideal world we would have 6 classes all 200HP apart and lots of choices, the world isn't perfect. It would also be nice if the OEM driveline could withstand anything we threw at it, but it won't.

There comes a point where OEM driveline dictates where a logical break should be and that's where there will be a HUGE jump in HP (if you think about it logically, it only makes sense).

Watching gasser classes in the past tells us that at a certain HP (and alot less torque), the OEM driveline does not hold up. The issue becomes as the HP "creeps up" guys slowly upgrade parts. A driveshaft here, a yoke, there, a beefier axleshaft, etc. until the ENTIRE driveline is aftermarket BEEFY parts. Yes, certain guys will be able to throw just about anything at it with a x.x charger, but add up the bills and you will find open driveline would have been cheaper from the start. Guys who have been in it for years spread that cost out and it doesn't seem like a big deal to them, but those wanting to get in and compete have to shell out the money for a strong engine, but also for each and every upgraded driveline component (if not a busted axle off the line at ONE pull can take you out of the points). It becomes a stagnant class or a class for deep pockets. It actually gets to the point where it less HP, but costs more money than the class above it. That's not good for the class or the sport. The only ones it benefits is the guys currently in it and "up to date" in the upgraded parts department, which is selfish. Many guys like it though as it limits the competition.....less guys they have to worry about.

The guys in 2.8 found out that the OEM drivelines weren't up to the task (without a ton of bigger and/or aftermarket parts), and that was with old turbo technology. Some of the new protrusion 2.6 chargers are right where the old 2.8's were......

Think about how many 2.6 guys have already had to install large diameter rear axles, upgraded driveshafts (with bigger yokes), upgraded transmissions, etc. etc. I even think I saw a front axleshaft GRENADE on a DMAX in the Eaton video. Where does it stop. And as you know, once you give pullers an inch, they don't like to give it up. Easier to limit it now and take a little away, then to try to take a bunch away later.

Lets learn from other's past mistakes instead of repeating them.........

Yes, axles are going to break with power, ive broke a stock axle on our tracks with a STOCK TURBO. I was less than 600hp. So at that point, most likely depending on what tracks you run, oem driveline wont hold up, so the restrictor tube is not going to solve breakage on OEM drivelines. I was very competitive in the 2.8 class last year, and never broke my yukon axles, or one cv. The only way your going to make OEM drivelines hold is stay in workstock(and i bet you still break), other wise plan on upgrading axle shafts, driveshaft, input/output shaft. Its part of it. It also DOES NOT take deep pockets to compete, if that were the case, i would not be in the sport at all, i suppose if you cant turn a wrench, or know nothing at all, yes, it will take deep pockets, the rest shouldnt have to suffer for that.

ODL is not an option for some of us now, as the classes just arent there. Now without 2.8, 2.6 is the only class, i dont want to run a "restricted" class cause i have no other option. If you dont want to step up, stay in workstock. Hell use the restrictor tube there, its an entry level class. The fans dont want to come to a pull to see 2 workstock classes.
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Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
The only ones it benefits is the guys currently in it and "up to date" in the upgraded parts department, which is selfish. Many guys like it though as it limits the competition.....less guys they have to worry about.

So wait, let me get this part straight, 2.6 is what it is now, its atleast a 800hp+ class, has been for a couple years now. You think its selfish for the guys that have the upgraded parts to not want to give up horsepower? But you dont think its selfish for the guys who dont want to spend the money, or build the truck to compete at that level to want everyone to drop horsepower for them? That seems awful selfish to me too, especially since the class is already what it is, and YOU are asking for change, not the pullers. Seems the people that are pushing this restrictor tube, are doing it more for themselves, than for the rules.


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
Also no disrespect to the guys that have tested this, or want to test this. I just dont think its the right time for it, nor does the turbo rules need to change yet again for a few years.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
"the mecca"
Also no disrespect to the guys that have tested this, or want to test this. I just dont think its the right time for it, nor does the turbo rules need to change yet again for a few years.

No joke, I have a nice shiney new turbo hanging on our Dodge that has not one pull on it and it's illegal already. AWESOME, I freaking love spending thousands of dollars for a piece I can't use without sinking another $1k in to especially not knowing if it will be legal next year or the year after. Damned if I do damed if I don't now though. A turbo not legal anywhere ain't worth shit now new or not and for what I'll have in it I could have had the top of the line precision that I didn't have the cash to spring for in the first place.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
Just to clarify my stance, I LOVE exactly how the 2.6 class is now. It's extremely competitive regardless of brand & has more trucks than any other class. That tells me, while yes, it takes a boat load of money (to me anyways), it's not so far outta reach for a LOT folks all over the US. ; )

Now that 2.8 is virtually gone everywhere, I say let er ride as-is for a couple a three years & revisit any changes that might need to be addressed then.

Only thing I'd like to see some change is the stupid Reese style hitch BS. If that's all someone has or wants to use (a la street truck wanting to hook) so be it. But for the most part, these are fully dedicated pulling trucks. Let them fab up a hitch for goodness sakes!! Most often they'd be stronger than any junk class V hitch anyways (equalling safer ;) ).

That's all. :D


I'm officially done!
Mar 30, 2007
Lebanon, OH
I agree with Rob. I have been trying to do this on a budget and can't wait for the day to get closer and closer to the big budget guys. A restrictor tube WILL make it more expensive and the same guys will still be at the top! Super Farm here we come. The fans don't want to see a bunch of 700 hp 2.6 trucks and I don't want to drive one (well not again this year at least :D).

Then what about class separation? If you don't like 2.6 do you jump to 3.0? WS at 6-700, 2.6 at 9-1000 and 3.0 at 1200 plus. Sounds good to me.

Mitch, as long as you can slide the receiver tube in the hitch and it is not "trick" in any way, you can build a hitch and not put a junk class V on it. Mine is a nice piece of thick angle and the proper 2.5 square tubed supports all tucked up inside the frame rails.:thumb:


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
No joke, I have a nice shiney new turbo hanging on our Dodge that has not one pull on it and it's illegal already. AWESOME, I freaking love spending thousands of dollars for a piece I can't use without sinking another $1k in to especially not knowing if it will be legal next year or the year after. Damned if I do damed if I don't now though. A turbo not legal anywhere ain't worth shit now new or not and for what I'll have in it I could have had the top of the line precision that I didn't have the cash to spring for in the first place.

Rhall, this is the type of thing a restrictor would prevent.

Also if you look at CompD even the unified rules got fukd with the discrepancy with the 3/4" rule. Imagine your new turbo made to the rule was not legal?

Also, I just want to test the restrictor to see how it works. Then decide which class or classes it would benefit. I originally said 2.6 to stop some of the bitching.

As far as selfish, YOU spent the money on upgrades so I know why YOU and others don't want a restrictor, but if its best for the sport. I've been supporting the sport for as long as I can remember (before I had my license and I'm 35 now), and I've seen classes die because of the pullers in it. I've even lobbied for rules that put my own truck at a disadvantage to get new pullers in....who's the selfish one?

Going back to class separation, work stock should be entry level (say 400-500hp for the average beginner, now 2.6 trucks are pushing 900hp to be on top (just about double), and 3.0 trucks were said to be roughly 1300hp which is less than 50% more than 2.6. Looking at the numbers where's the discrepancy..... 2.6 being too high. 700-750 would be ideal. Guess what the restrictor dynoed?
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I'm officially done!
Mar 30, 2007
Lebanon, OH
Going back to class separation, work stock should be entry level (say 400-500hp for the average beginner, now 2.6 trucks are pushing 900hp to be on top (just about double), and 3.0 trucks were said to be roughly 1300hp which is less than 50% more than 2.6. Looking at the numbers where's the discrepancy..... 2.6 being too high. 700-750 would be ideal. Guess what the restrictor dynoed?

How do you dial back WS to 4-500? Take away EFI Live?


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
I agree with Rob. I have been trying to do this on a budget and can't wait for the day to get closer and closer to the big budget guys. A restrictor tube WILL make it more expensive and the same guys will still be at the top! Super Farm here we come. The fans don't want to see a bunch of 700 hp 2.6 trucks and I don't want to drive one (well not again this year at least :D).

Then what about class separation? If you don't like 2.6 do you jump to 3.0? WS at 6-700, 2.6 at 9-1000 and 3.0 at 1200 plus. Sounds good to me.

Mitch, as long as you can slide the receiver tube in the hitch and it is not "trick" in any way, you can build a hitch and not put a junk class V on it. Mine is a nice piece of thick angle and the proper 2.5 square tubed supports all tucked up inside the frame rails.:thumb:

Show me a stock charger workstock class that's 6-700hp?
Also a restrictor adds $100 to your total (less than any safety item on your truck), yet saves a new guy (or a guy whose new high $$$ charger doesn't meet the rules) from buying a big $$$ charger just to compete. It actually lowers the money needed to compete (on average). Plus less carnage, so it saves even more (and Rhall if you don't think 800-900hp breaks more than 500hp.....). You guys had the option to jumps to 3.0 as well. It's not much different money wise for the true workstock guy looking to compete in 2.6.......


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
I'm wondering the same thing

Again, show me a stock charger, stock injector, single CP3 truck that does over 550 (I'll even give you EFI live).

Workstock is entry level, not my fault clubs fukd it up by allowing stuff they shouldn't (like the current 2.6).

Guys who built motors, installed Cheetah's, dual pumps, injector, etc should be in 2.6 not entry level workstock. Problem is 2.6 is getting out of their reach so they would rather stay lower and beat on the little guy. The higher you make 2.6, the more you encourage the big fish in the small pond.

If 2.6 didn't get so out of hand, I bet 2.8 would have survived and you would have had more logical progression. The 2.6 pullers are to blame (and you can quote me)...


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
Show me a stock charger workstock class that's 6-700hp?
Also a restrictor adds $100 to your total (less than any safety item on your truck), yet saves a new guy (or a guy whose new high $$$ charger doesn't meet the rules) from buying a big $$$ charger just to compete. It actually lowers the money needed to compete (on average). Plus less carnage, so it saves even more (and Rhall if you don't think 800-900hp breaks more than 500hp.....). You guys had the option to jumps to 3.0 as well. It's not much different money wise for the true workstock guy looking to compete in 2.6.......

Where are you from? You think workstock is 400-500hp!:spit::spit::spit: I have the option to go 3.0 just like you have the option to stay in workstock.:thumb:

On another note, have you seen the numbers the 2.6 class has lately? The numbers go up every year. I dont think that class will die, unless we take it down to ANOTHER workstock class. Like i said, we dont need 2.

The restrictor tube would work great in workstock, then it might actually be a 400-500 hp class like you think.