

Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I just had a clondike oreo. All you health freaks are going to die before you reach 60. You will regret not having a great greasy meal.:coolspot:

Exactly who needs fiber if you eat enough fried chicken there is no pushing needed! :woott:


New member
Jan 31, 2012
I will share my experiences with CrossFit. Just about myself, 22 years old, graduating college in December. Previous to CrossFit I had no exposure to going to the gym, weight lifting or anything of the sort. Through high school and first years of college I just kept myself busy doing other things, work, being involved with school. So my dad starts CrossFit and drinks the juice... totally obsessed right away. My brother is a Marine so he is also incredibly fit. So I decide to give it a try. January 2013 I attend my first CrossFit class at a whoping 137 pounds and 5'7''.I could naturally do a few things, I could already do pullups, also link together a few muscle ups. Small guy doing muscle ups, not really impressive. On the weight lifting side.. I was weak. My back squat was 225 and deadlift 285. So after a while I started to lean towards a greater interest in Olympic Weightlifting. Eventually got stronger and gained more weight. Fast forward to now, I weigh about 165, I am now L1 Certified and coach at my local box, and compete in weightlifting in the 77kg class. Now my lifts are 240 snatch, 285 clean and jerk. 110/130 240 total. So just wanted to say how CrossFit can be a good thing. While my emphasis is now more towards weightlifting, I still do workouts with the other members often because I like them.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I will share my experiences with CrossFit. Just about myself, 22 years old, graduating college in December. Previous to CrossFit I had no exposure to going to the gym, weight lifting or anything of the sort. Through high school and first years of college I just kept myself busy doing other things, work, being involved with school. So my dad starts CrossFit and drinks the juice... totally obsessed right away. My brother is a Marine so he is also incredibly fit. So I decide to give it a try. January 2013 I attend my first CrossFit class at a whoping 137 pounds and 5'7''.I could naturally do a few things, I could already do pullups, also link together a few muscle ups. Small guy doing muscle ups, not really impressive. On the weight lifting side.. I was weak. My back squat was 225 and deadlift 285. So after a while I started to lean towards a greater interest in Olympic Weightlifting. Eventually got stronger and gained more weight. Fast forward to now, I weigh about 165, I am now L1 Certified and coach at my local box, and compete in weightlifting in the 77kg class. Now my lifts are 240 snatch, 285 clean and jerk. 110/130 240 total. So just wanted to say how CrossFit can be a good thing. While my emphasis is now more towards weightlifting, I still do workouts with the other members often because I like them.

That is sweet! This is what I like about training. Finding new things to challenge yourself with. Good job Bud:thumb:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Wolf and others I got an idea that I got off of Comp D. Instead of cluttering Nicks Crossfit thread up with power/body building/strongman stuff. I will start a Weight Lifting/Training thread so we can brag/help/make fun of each other:D


Sep 13, 2009
Central Michigan
I am thinking of giving crossfit a shot. I am 32years old 6' tall and currently 207 lbs. With the job I have I am only able to get to the gym 1 to 2 days a week. In the past month and a half I started tracking my calorie intake with My Fitness Pal app and have dropped about 12 lbs which is a good start I think. Right now when I go to the gym I tend to lift and do a little of everything plus 30 to 40 minutes of cardio. If I have a second day off in row I go for a run. I am up to 5 miles @ 8 minutes a miles with no breaks. So I have a question for you crossfitters. Is changing gyms and the added cost going to be beneficial for me if I can only make it to 1 maybe 2 classes a week?


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Whole body circuits have it's place in every workout scheme. For what you want I think Ccrossfit my do you well..

Also if you are looking to lose fat/cut up long distance running will only do you good for a short time, then your body will adapt and hit a plateu for weight loss. You need to look into/start doing HIIT cardio 20-25 minutes is all it takes and will do wonders for you..


Sep 13, 2009
Central Michigan
Yeah my goal is to lose fat and put on some nice muscle mass. If I could get down to 185 lbs and back up to 200-210 with muscle that would be great. I never did any long distance running until the last 6 months or so just for cardio. In high school track I was a sprinter and never cared to do anything over a 400m.


Sep 13, 2009
Central Michigan
My workouts now I start off with a mile run then stretch. Then 3 sets of 10 of each as follows. Chest and tri then run a half a mile. Back and bi then run a half a mile. Legs and shoulders then run a half a mile. Couple different abs exercises then run a half a mile. Then I will do another 3 sets of 10 for each group but different exercise right in a row and finish up with a half mile run. The whole process takes me just over 2 hours in the gym and I am spent when I am done.


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Ya sprints are great, basically the principle of high intensity interval training. 45-75 second sprints or high paced oliptical followed by complete rest or slow slow walk for 30 seconds for 20-25 minutes is going to give you the best results for shredding fat.

Once you lean down to the body weight you want up your caloric intake as well as lean meats as in chicken and fish and cut the cardio down from 4 days a week to 1-2 days a week with low rep high weight sets and you'll start to see muscle being added on with minimal fat gain..


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Ya sprints are awesome pure anabolic exercise. Our class today was
strict pullups 5x3 hold at the top for 5 seconds
Pushups 5x3 hold at the bottom for 5 seconds

1000m row or 800m run
3 rounds of
21 straight leg sit ups
15 jump over bar
9 dead lifts 135lbs
1000m row or 800m run
I ran instead of rowing
Took me 10:38 to complete the WOD.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
this morning was

Skill: Rope Climbs/Legless Rope Climbs

Conditioning: AMRAP in 6 min
25 Du's
10 Front Squats (135/95)
1 Rope Climb
~ Rest 2 Minutes ~
Repeat AMRAP in 6 min
25 DU's
10 Front Squats (135/95)
1 Rope Climb

Tomorrow is mostly conditioning

Skill: Box Jump Overs

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time

400m Run
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 T2B


Sep 13, 2009
Central Michigan
Well I did my first day this morning. It was just one on one with the trainer going over the basics. Then some lite warm ups and stretching. Went over proper shoulder press form then finished up with a small workout that worked me pretty good. Very pumped for my next one on Friday

4 rounds for time - Took me 20 minutes. Lots of room for improvement. lol
250 meter row
25 air squats
10 SP @ 95lbs - Last set and a half killed my time