o rly?
Todd, if you remember back to the spring event, i think we mentioned something about aftermarket hoods on another black truck? anyways, I guess you have a reason! Looks good man, can't wait till 13th!!!!
I know the Man CR motors use them, I think the 7.8s use the same pump as us
What is the little accessory drive run beside the CP3. Is it a lift or vacuum pump?
What is the little accessory drive run beside the CP3. Is it a lift or vacuum pump?
Very cool. Still waiting on the y brigde?
I took that into consideration already :thumb:
The pump is mounted towards the front where there isn't much height in the cowl hood. Would a stock hood work, or is it just enough there where a stock hood would hit it???
Stock hood was not even close to closing. Hope the MA motor mounts work good...LOL
Todd still a stock bottom end?
what does member # 2 TBT mean, I think i'm still in that club :spit:member #2 TBT still...lol. I'm guessing not for long though. I'm predicting it will be pushed on the trailer after the next event
what does member # 2 TBT mean, I think i'm still in that club :spit: