thank-you paint.
Kinda like in my H.S. you had kids like me that took college prep with 5 years of math in 4 years. Algebra I and II, Geo, Adv. Math, and Trig. Physics, Spanish I II and III.
Then you had the kids that took basic math and 4 years of gym class or person health or whatever they called it and had 2 study halls everyday.
Not that they were stupid kids. Some of them went on to trade school like body shop, mechanics, plumbers, police, etc etc and are doing VERY well considering the piss poor economy.
Some of us take the harder more expensive way around I think was what he was saying.
I think Bigbird is scared someone is going to pop his I went fast and spent the least amount of money bubble. To which I congradulate him for budget racing. If he's happy, I am happy. It just isn't the same way I would do it, which doesn't make it wrong. It's just one of the 14 million ways to skin a cat. There are probably a lot of people out there that think it's stupid that there are people that race trucks.
My biggest complaint with nitrous is that it is not accepted at 95% of the truck pulls which is what most everyone does around here. If you even have it on your truck around here people will accuse you of cheating and everything else under the sun so nobody runs it.