Buyers Beware!!!! Boostlee93

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
That's one town over from in bud? The address given is also a water treatment plant. But its in a residential neighborhood
I bet if you went to the water treatment plant and asked the supervisor for this guy bet he would produce someone for you.Probably having stuff shiped there instead of his house for this very reason.Or maybe his mom works there????


Keep Calm and Chive On!!
Aug 6, 2009
Houston, TX
What good will it do to go over there? You confront him, he says get lost and you leave. Confrontation and you may be in trouble yourself.

if someone is serious, they need to gather documentation and pony up a little cash to present to an attorney to have him brought to court.

Either way, good luck to those who were screwed over. It's a shame there are people like this out there.


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
Because people online believe for some reason that they are it's a game..well it's not a game anymore when people show up to have a little talk and have friends in high places...


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
So that does make six. Unreal. This boostlee guy is a serial ripoff artist.

I wouldn't call him an artist by anymeans. A scam artist puts true quality effort into their work to not get caught for awhile. They generally wouldn't sell stuff like this either. Most feed on the elderly and use religion as a tool. The good ones have legit businesses just useless products. A person around here was installing "thermal barriers" in peoples attics. It was literally no more than the reflective bubble wrap type material used to cover some things. It does nothing but sounds promising. They show how much youll save and with the price they are charging it will take 30years or more to even see a return with their figures. The issue is that the elderly are too trusting. They dont double check the numbers. They dont think "hey im gonna be dead in 30 years".

This guy did nothing more than misrepresent all of his sales. Hes no artist. Not to be a dick to those involved but its kind of along the same lines. People trusted him when they shouldnt have.

CT may be different but you go to the police and say something of yours has been stolen (money in this case) your reply will be something like "no kiddin ? that sucks, were to busy sitting on I-81 watching for people going 73 in a 70 to bother with that petty ness"

Exactly. Most local police will do nothing.

Best to just get a lawyer if you want some sort of justice but dont expecr to come out ahead financially in the end.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Maybe maybe not end up financially whole but one thing for sure his mother is involved and I'm sure she will NOT want her name drugged dragged whatever threw the mud in the town she lives in.

Local home town news loves to get involved in this stuff. Drop them a email see if they bite. Just saying it's one way to put the screws to him now that he deserves it!


New member
Aug 21, 2012
southern Indiana
Maybe maybe not end up financially whole but one thing for sure his mother is involved and I'm sure she will NOT want her name drugged dragged whatever threw the mud in the town she lives in.

Local home town news loves to get involved in this stuff. Drop them a email see if they bite. Just saying it's one way to put the screws to him now that he deserves it!
:rofl: BAZINGA!


That just happened!
Mar 10, 2010
In my House
Talked to him two days ago on here i just need to find out if the truck was last registered in CT if so i am going to do a q1 i believe thats what its called for the title, and be able to get the title without him but if not the state police will be taking over. We have a big enough case here to where he will be going away for awhile nice having friends that serve with you over seas to be able to put a case together for you. Also i wish i was home bc be 7000 miles away and having this shit happen is a pain in the a**! Thank you Kat for your support and not letting anyone else get screwed.:thumb:

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
I would like to thank Evan and Tim Judd for their attempts to make things right in this situation by attempting contact to reason with boostlle to make this right.I still want to send some cash for fuel and maybe buy you guys some lunch.Evan don't know what you do but taking time off to do this awesome and Tim i know closing the doors on your shop for the day is a day without income.Thanks guys.:thumb:


Jun 12, 2007
mantua, oh
I would like to thank Evan and Tim Judd for their attempts to make things right in this situation by attempting contact to reason with boostlle to make this right.I still want to send some cash for fuel and maybe buy you guys some lunch.Evan don't know what you do but taking time off to do this awesome and Tim i know closing the doors on your shop for the day is a day without income.Thanks guys.:thumb:

I'd contribute some fuel money also. Thanks fellas. Hopefully he learned his lesson and squares up with my brother. It's a long drive for me.


That just happened!
Mar 10, 2010
In my House
I would like to thank Evan and Tim Judd for their attempts to make things right in this situation by attempting contact to reason with boostlle to make this right.I still want to send some cash for fuel and maybe buy you guys some lunch.Evan don't know what you do but taking time off to do this awesome and Tim i know closing the doors on your shop for the day is a day without income.Thanks guys.:thumb:

x2 thanks guys if i was home or when i do get home i owe you dinner or a beer or something:hug:


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
What good will it do to go over there? You confront him, he says get lost and you leave. Confrontation and you may be in trouble yourself.

if someone is serious, they need to gather documentation and pony up a little cash to present to an attorney to have him brought to court.

Either way, good luck to those who were screwed over. It's a shame there are people like this out there.

Your right ,sort of.

There is nothing wrong visiting letting him know that they are there to HELP him get things taking care of. Maybe he's busy and needs a little help who knows you really don't know the whole situation to you talk face to face.

Your going there not to show muscle just support therefore he has a understanding that your there if needed so he knows he's not alone in this problem!

Im sure you understand what I'm saying! ;)


Aug 5, 2010
Western MA
Exactly Mackin, when we show his mother print outs of his for sale threads and the people he has screwed and to what extent he's screwed them I'm sure she will get him to work with us.