Allison lockup/unlock controller!!!! (NOW SHIPPING!)


Block Hole Maker
Sep 23, 2007
Ben, Your aparatus works without a flaw. Period.


We used it 3 times now and it locks instantly, and unlocks instantly. No codes, NO BS.

Thanks a bunch.



Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Ben I am confident in your gadget, but are there any higher horsepower drag racing trucks say 700hp+ running one?


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
630hp huh? not exactly 700hp

if it locks at 600rwhp (or wherever kyle's truck is at) and it locks in Rob Halls truck (800-900??) then it will definitely lock at 700hp. :)

HP or other varying factors dont mean anything to my box, unlike competing lockup modules.. It will lock regardless and has been proven in the real world on quite a few trucks...

It will lock within 1 second of pushing the button or Ill take it back.



'Can do' kind of guy
Apr 8, 2007
Ben can you explain my question please I asked about 5 post ago PLEASE :D you gadget MASTER

if you are referring to the will ben marry you question that i cannot answer...... but if you want to know how his controller works, read the first post on this thread.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
I did read it ... Would you answer a dumb question.. Can i Lock it up as i launch or spooling up before,, will it just run thru the gears locked or do i unlock an relock every shift......Try Being helpful ....just because you get it doesnt mean every body does,,i bet you 100.00 bucks theres at least 5 guys that can and would buy this thing,, but they didnt get it or didnt want to get doged out for asking.. I dont care if people dog me thats ok .. my bills are paid,,,, i dont mind.. But if your gonna make fun of me,,,,,,,,,, CAN YOU..WOULD YOU ... PLEASE at the least ,,answer my questions ..Before i bought my other programmers ect i asked questions.. they answer them then walked away smiling,, but with my money in there back pocket... i just want to know 2 things .. 1st do i lock it up as im launching before or after im moving and do i leave it on durring the compleate run.. or do i un lock an relock as i shift.. 2nd how would i use it when pulling my large horse trailer 20,000lb ? im sure for the smart guys this cant be hard to explain..i can be the butt of the joke ..but can i at least have a plain easy to under stand answer thanks p.s. who can rebuild my turbo ?? upgrade kit ? And i didnt ask if he would marry me i just said i would,,, he can make all the cool gadgets in the world but i cant understand how to use it .. why would i buy one? or tell my duramax buddies about it.. :baby:


Sideways > Straight ;)
Aug 24, 2009
609 New Jersey
I did read it ... Would you answer a dumb question.. Can i Lock it up as i launch or spooling up before,, will it just run thru the gears locked or do i unlock an relock every shift......Try Being helpful ....just because you get it doesnt mean every body does,,i bet you 100.00 bucks theres at least 5 guys that can and would buy this thing,, but they didnt get it or didnt want to get doged out for asking.. I dont care if people dog me thats ok .. my bills are paid,,,, i dont mind.. But if your gonna make fun of me,,,,,,,,,, CAN YOU..WOULD YOU ... PLEASE at the least ,,answer my questions ..Before i bought my other programmers ect i asked questions.. they answer them then walked away smiling,, but with my money in there back pocket... i just want to know 2 things .. 1st do i lock it up as im launching before or after im moving and do i leave it on durring the compleate run.. or do i un lock an relock as i shift.. 2nd how would i use it when pulling my large horse trailer 20,000lb ? im sure for the smart guys this cant be hard to explain..i can be the butt of the joke ..but can i at least have a plain easy to under stand answer thanks p.s. who can rebuild my turbo ?? upgrade kit ? And i didnt ask if he would marry me i just said i would,,, he can make all the cool gadgets in the world but i cant understand how to use it .. why would i buy one? or tell my duramax buddies about it.. :baby:

No offense bro, but you need to proofread a little. you type as you think instead of forming sentences and full thoughts that make sense to others.

thats being said i don't wanna speak for ben but going off what hes said in this thread you cannot command lockup while spooling for 2 reasons,... 1. soon as you hit the brakes the gadget becomes disarmed. and 2. if you lockup while not moving you're engine is going to stall..basically like dumping the clutch on a stick truck.

it wont unlock between gears, you have to manually unlock it, hit the brakes, or drop below a certain speed.

you wont need it for pulling a trailer. unless you had to light a larger turbo on an incline which i don't think you do. its only going to help drag racing or sled pulling.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Yeah ,, Im not the brightest but you did answer my question..An I Thank you...:thumb: ill proof read a little better next time.. im spoiled an lazy, sorry about that...I ask because i want to get quicker like everybody else .. and locking up will make a huge differents.. i just needed to know that i can lock it sometime during 1st gear before i hit 2nd an leave it... wohoooo does he have a web site were i can buy this ? And thanks again REDBOWTIES88