Woo Hoo Trent
At least
that sure is impressive trent that would have taken me 6 months LOL
At least
that sure is impressive trent that would have taken me 6 months LOL
Strike 2 1/2...
Kat has already told me I am going to be granted temporary admin status to personally give you a vacation
Hey Trent,
What is that in the first pic, behind the turbo? Looks like a locking dipstick for tranny?
no sirree, not on my 05 anyway.they dont have them on the newer trucks?
my 01 has one
You already do the tighten and loosen 3 times deal too?got both sides tore down last night , not to hard but a little time consuming .
I got all the head studs on the drivers side done boy thats time consuming :baby:, it took longer than tearing down . but will get the rest of the studs in tonight, swap tips , re-install injectors and put back together hopefully i can get it done tonight .
You already do the tighten and loosen 3 times deal too?
Rob, you didnt just say that did you!
That is like a 12 dollar mod to save you.....HMMMMM:hello:
The bolts? Or the hold downs themselves?
Right on Trent Good luck this weekend:hug:
Bolts for the rocker bridges, Superdiesel was doing it years ago
Studs would be better,But I think stock bolts are metric equivlant to a grade 5 ( junk ) I run grade 12.9 bolts on mine
You can purchase a set ARP from Greg Houge IIRC