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  1. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ya know when ya think about it, not that hard to conceive what the developers were thinking laying out the LB7 OS. Last thing that same piece of GM hardware was firing was an 8cyl gasser.. And coils fire just like the control wire scope captures above. Dwell time is power on to charge coils...
  2. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Is what I see so far. Exact opposite of LLY. Kinda throws a wrench in the modify a single signal wire idea... Just confirmed the crank signal does the same. But since we don't have a key-off to cranking save from the LLY, I can't be certain if those part are the same. But here is example. FICM...
  3. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Unless I found some way to reverse polarity on the probes, think I may have found our difference. Sure looks like they reversed the voltage on the controls wires. Can't imagine it, but according to this view, it's bacards...
  4. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok why the heck are my control wire captures upsidedown then? According to all my captures, the control wire has a constant 5v and the cuts out to zero when firing injector. Opposite of the LLY. Now according to my scale, was set at 2v, so take nothing as reliable. I'll get that medium duty...
  5. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok so what are we missing here? Someone please count these pulses and compare to our previous LLY capture, just to be certain. EDIT: And just for reference, the high points "teeth" on the reluctor wheel would be shown on the 0 line in the captures. For those counting :-) I'm not near as...
  6. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Well mark it down I was wrong on the crank trigger. 12v signal same as lly. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  7. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    That was my thoughts exactly. No BCM No VATS. Thanks for the update, now I'm hacking that harness up for sure. Also found a running LB7. Gonna scope it tomorrow night. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  8. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Also spoke to Andrew with the OG PPE boat last weekend. Since it's already in a box, and needs some medical attention, he's gonna ship me the first LLY stand alone harness hack job I ever did. The medium duty LB7 harness I have is complete minus injector harness sections. To me it's scraps...
  9. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Your closer than most.. Might of had one local surface today. But worse case, I'll make the drive up to you. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  10. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    With a few potentiometers on primary sensors, an apps, and some injector solenoid or resistors wired in, I've found they have no idea the rotating parts are missing. Ya basically wire everything up, power the correct pins, and then adjust the sensor values using a scan tool. Then once ya add...
  11. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Still searching for someone local with a running LB7 I can test that crank signal on. For a quick bench setup, only need the ecm and ficm connectors. And a ecm with vats disabled. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  12. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    How valuable is a LB7 "medium duty" chassis and engine harness before I hack this one up? It's had one of the control wires between the ECM and FICM replaced somewhere along it's life. Also did the LB7 have VATS? Hope I don't need to burn a licese to disable it in this medium duty ECM.
  13. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    No the Isuzu ficm needs ground fixed. Any ideas on that? On the tcm's, just found a connector.. Will at least pull data and see if they talk. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  14. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    My cat said this one smells weird. Other one has note on bottom, "needs ground fixed" Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  15. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    I drink expensive beer... lol One has a 2010 date code other 2012 Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  16. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Besides a couple questionable LB7 FICMs, found these in my buddies toolbox. Said he thought both had a hard code set, but I'm still gonna wire em up on bench harness and see what they have to say about life. Beer Money!! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  17. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    My running LB 7 didn't materialize today. However, I did find enough to build one on the bench. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  18. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Great working with you too. As I don't own a good shop scope, or a running Duramax. :) Also before I forget, that missing tooth gap doesn't always exactly signify Cyl#1 TDC of the crankshaft position. Someone out there probably knows the exact deg of mechanical offset, if any. Or has an engine...
  19. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Here ya go. Lower the times, higher the res.
  20. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    @1FastBrick came thru with some new data tonight. Scoped out that crank trigger pin 94, along with Injector #1 [in red] and Injector#3 [in blue] control wires in several different sweep ranges. It shows us the ECM is in total control, using the 8 injector control wires to send the pulse in "us"...