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  1. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    When I fired up the emulator and gave the FICM a good crank signal, I then started attaching some of the Injector control wires to the CAM signal wire on the Arduino board. That pulse is emulating the LB7 cam wheel, and has some longer ON and OFF times compared to a crank signal. Sure enough...
  2. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Actually just wrapped up some further testing using the emulator. As you suggest, I spoofed some of the Control wires with a Cam signal pulse just to see how they would respond. When I noticed a few weird points, that make me think we may be approaching this problem incorrectly. From what...
  3. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Thanks for the link. The first pic above with scope captures, is from this little Arduino board project I found works great at spitting out whatever crank and cam wheel patterns that match many modern engines. The 58 tooth line is an LBZ, and other tagged LB7 is our 57 tooth, show by the wider...
  4. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok so I spent half the night rewriting this Arduino code, and 30 minutes testing. Learned a few useful things so far. The FICM will accept a 3.3v crank trigger signal. CANbus J1939 PGN 65280 data bytes are crank signal related. GM Engineers Wrote This Code... When testing with FICM Pin 94...
  5. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    SAY WHAT ??? I'm gonna go raid the local bone yards. Bet I an find a dozen in a day..
  6. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok actually your correct, it doesn't matter for this test. But when I add the Cam wheel and signal to run the ECM, it might set a correlation code.. LOL Now to saw one off this digital reluctor wheel.
  7. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Yep that sure looks like the correct one. I have one from a Corvette that works great on LBZ/LMM, but recall those having a different slope curve, or min/max voltage. Can always toss a couple pots on the signal lines and get it to fire at idle, but a pedal will let me run the full torque tables...
  8. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Next on the plans is to try feeding this LB7 FICM some crank wheel pulses, along with some random 5v pulses on a couple of those injector control lines. Hopefully we see how it responds on the injector command lines. Should tell is how dumb or technically in depth this box actually is. My...
  9. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    That would be very helpful. I was wrong, these don't even register on the canbus correctly. It doesn't even announce it's registration onto the network. Just boots and sends data. Totally non-J1939 standard. So I tried to break the FICM, and as suspected, that 0x80 was an open code on the Pin...
  10. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok after an hour, it's still working. That's pretty good for me.. Tossed everything at it diagnostically I can do by hand with sub $100 tools, and can say fairly certain that it doesn't conform to J1939 protocol by any way besides it registers correctly on the bus at start up. Doesn't seem...
  11. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Yeah I don't have a LLY FICM handy. The software is just a simple J1939 monitor written for a cheap CANbus board I purchased long ago.
  12. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok just got things wired up on the bench, and say BT needs to check his math. The Isuzu unit looks to be a brick, while the other one fired right up. The Cat was correct for those wondering... LOL This one is squawking some data, however it's Proprietary PGNs. Which for those not familiar...
  13. kidturbo

    Best motor to start with? LBZ or LMM?

    If you incorporate the emobolizer and bcm into your swap, could even run a push button and key fob from newer model. Along with anti-lock or what ever ya wish. There is 2 networks on board, hi and low speed. All the stuff like windows, door locks, stereo all speak on Low Speed. While ECM, TCM...
  14. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Yes. The Crank and Cam signal leads are fully shielded from sensor end to the bail connector for that reason. Basically just 3 wires wrapped in a foil, that is block grounded. The high voltage injector wires will interfere with a low voltage crank signal if ran together. Also if you don't...
  15. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Ok here we now have a stand alone FICM harness. Will clean it up with some soap, then wire up the power, ground, and canbus to see what it has to say for itself. I can tell ya for certain now the crank signal wire is important. They added this "yellowish top of picture" ground shielded...
  16. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Setting here getting ready to cannibalize this medium duty LB7 harness, I have to say, I like the simplicity of it for chassis swaps.. Fuse block is nice and "clean" compared to others. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  17. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    Did some digging around tonight for the two Bosch connectors used on the FICM's. Found there is still several thousand of the female "harness side' available in the market. Going price, about $90 for the bigger one without pins or locks. However as I've noted on all the other Bosch built...
  18. kidturbo

    Best motor to start with? LBZ or LMM?

    I'm a lmm fan for stand alone builds. Basically because it operates with a true high speed GMLAN, common architecture to all GM vehicles from mid 2000's clear up to present day. Just makes life easier when ya can swap, add or subtract on board modules between vehicle years. The LBZ is a fine...
  19. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    I think that's a reasonable approach. Build it on breadboard with some pigtails, and then you could test this inline at the FICM connector on a truck or bench just to see if it fires injectors. On a new board build, it wouldn't be hard to make it an internal switchable option.
  20. kidturbo

    LLY Ficm

    I looked at all of the captures, and it's inverted compared to the LLY. See below. Sorry, was just sharing how that crank signal looked at startup. It could have been setting with a tooth positioned just right, to pull it high, but I thought it was interesting. LB7 Control Line - No Crank...