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  1. Redbowties88

    drive pressure fitting?

    the bung would have to be rounded to match the circumference of the pipe correct? would you mind PMing me with some info?? the shipping would make it unworthwhile to send it to you as i only paid 60 for the pipe but if you could help me find something to use as a bung that would be...
  2. Redbowties88

    drive pressure fitting?

    well here's how i see it. my crappy thin ass aluminium CAC pipe has flawlessly held onto its 1/8th brass fitting at 40psi. so why shouldn't a steel pipe hold one at close to 80psi? plus all the heat in there i think will work in my favor
  3. Redbowties88

    drive pressure fitting?

    hmm...interesting. not enough thread to grab you think?
  4. Redbowties88

    drive pressure fitting?

    you dont think it will hold up in the up pipe?
  5. Redbowties88

    drive pressure fitting?

    so getting ready to install a lb7 up-pipe and before i do i wanna tap it and get it all ready for a drive pressure gauge (and possibly a BOV) wondering what kinda fitting i should use? some brass from the plumbing store or something a little stronger? thanks
  6. Redbowties88

    Removing cal-tracs

    ok i see what you're saying now... i dont have the truck right now but when i get a chance ill look at it and see.