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  1. blue8135

    The Latest FNG

  2. blue8135

    LB7: New From Southern AZ

  3. blue8135

    EFILive logging via a cummins v2

    It has to connect to the vehicles ECM. Loaded with Cummins software, it wouldn't have any GM controllers loaded. Looks like you have to wait to get the GM software
  4. blue8135

    EFILive logging via a cummins v2

    Probably doesn't have the GM controllers. Could always plug it in and see.
  5. blue8135

    Uh oh!

    We used the thick blue shop paper towels. Lay it across socket the shove the bolt head in socket. Tear off excess. Keeps the bolt in while starting it.
  6. blue8135

    Uh oh!

    We used a socket, wobble, long extension, and an impact. Zipped em right out. Took longer turning the crank to line em up with opening than getting em out
  7. blue8135 Stickers?!?

    Pm sent
  8. blue8135

    Difference in PPE converters?

    If you figure it out, let me know. Got a little better after I reset the taps again. Want to do a fast learn too
  9. blue8135

    Uh oh!

    Pm sent. Sounds good
  10. blue8135

    Uh oh!

    You're not far from me. Hit me up if you need any help. I'm near Tyler
  11. blue8135


  12. blue8135

    LBZ: Ppe jr shift kit

    LJC Performance
  13. blue8135

    Uh oh!

    You'll love it. Especially after updated tuning
  14. blue8135

    Misewell introduce myself

  15. blue8135

    LBZ: Ppe jr shift kit

    I have a good friend with a shop in waco. Has done several transgo jrs. His lb7 is on the cover of diesel world. Big Red
  16. blue8135

    nhrda world finals 2013.

    It's always a good place to come visit
  17. blue8135

    Trans relearn lost communication

    I've been told that any time you take it to dealership, return all programming to stock calibration.
  18. blue8135

    nhrda world finals 2013.

    I'm going. Only a couple hour drive
  19. blue8135

    another lbz and p0087

    In the thread I posted above, I did see a 3/12 spec. No idea who's right