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  1. hhhsharps

    My engine is finished!!!!

    I wouldn't mind having that in the back of my truck.........:D
  2. hhhsharps

    My new train horns

    Oh...that's seriously funny.....LMAO......:rofl:
  3. hhhsharps

    I Hate Hail!!

    Damn Cargill.....I can't stand those pricks. Several years ago we had two really short seasons in a row, Cargill wouldn't budge. Everyone was affected. The answer we came up with was to entice a gypo contractor to come in and pop a dozen steel bins next to a rail head w/ a small...
  4. hhhsharps

    I Hate Hail!!

    Boy...that is really rough. In my younger years I managed a 1000 acre farm. Primary was corn, rotated w/ wheat and barley. The pics you posted makes all the residue look like a no-till operation. I think 2nd crop beans is a good idea. Best of luck.
  5. hhhsharps

    I am getting married this evening!!!

  6. hhhsharps

    120' Erection

    I have some employees that do the mechanical maint. on a methane fired generator station. The location happens to be on Hill Air Force Base in Northern Utah. The methane comes from the Davis County landfill just outside the base property. O2 (oxygen) scavengers pump O2 into the ground and we...
  7. hhhsharps

    Built Ford Tough!

    Boy that sure is correct.......The kinetic energy disipated from the seperation of the cab and chassis and the rest of the crumple zone, is exactly what saved their lives. Think of the horrific crashes you see in the Indy/Cart cars that are engineered to break up....and yet they walk away...
  8. hhhsharps

    Towed One Million Pounds

  9. hhhsharps

    Water Power - Is this for real?

    Absolutely right....we have beaten this thing to death....up to and including cold fusion. I think there will be some merit to spin-off technologies....but I think that is down the road a bit.:)
  10. hhhsharps

    Help: Speeding ticket! What do i do?

    Well shit......I like your attitude.......:D
  11. hhhsharps

    Ok Ok I finally made it

    Oooo Rah......:D
  12. hhhsharps

    Help: Speeding ticket! What do i do?

    Matt...Talk to the prosecutor in the pre-trial conference and ask if he will submit you for community service and traffic school. If it has been a long time since you had any citations, they are usually open to proactive offers. That is unless of course you made the "Nice Policeman" mad out on...
  13. hhhsharps

    Prayers please

  14. hhhsharps

    Help: Speeding ticket! What do i do?

    That is a Bummer Matt........:(
  15. hhhsharps

    TurboBrake on Extreme 4x4 June 7, 2008

    Saw the show today....nice feature. Well done Brayden....;)
  16. hhhsharps

    Happy Birthday MikeL

    Happy Birthday buddy...........:beer
  17. hhhsharps

    Casper gets a Tattoo...

  18. hhhsharps

    Who wants to fly in an F-14?

    Now that is some funny shit......:D
  19. hhhsharps

    Help: Speeding ticket! What do i do?

    Just a couple of thoughts...... I've decided to jump in here only to give some sound words of wisdom that can save someone from a citation. Usually a person has to lend credibility to themselves and it becomes a long list of ...I did this...and I did that. All that is really needed here is...