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  1. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...who's trying to dictate policy?... ...what occured was IMHO innapporpriate...I asked for it to be was...all good now :thumb: ...I believe you meant to ask me to not post in green which I have done on every message board I have ever been on that has OFFERED the option of a...
  2. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...appology accepted The NEENS :thumb: ...all good bro :hello: if we can just get rid of the LAME tags, all will be GOLDEN :D
  3. DonDeere

    Gas or Propane Forklift?

    ...correct, which is why it is actually used as and promoted and sold by the Automotive Industry specifically FOR the SAFE removal of water from a moisture contaminated gasoline fuel system :thumb: ...or to prevent moisture(the presence of water) from ever being problematic in a fuel system...
  4. DonDeere

    Gas or Propane Forklift?

    ...I have 44 yeere's worth of experience operating, servicing and repairing forklifts...5 propane units inside the packing hosue/cold storage...3 Diesel JD Industrial units out in the field... ...inside use or periodic use...PROpane hands down :thumb: ...outside work in gravel or dirt, then...
  5. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance the avatar master...gun hunted most of my life, but now I'm a bow hunter...gave up the easy way some yeere's ago...can you at least find a bow hunter to put in that stand...and be sure he's holding a HOYT!! :thumb: :D
  6. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...LMFingAO(can I say that on heere?)...funny chit bro :D ...okay, been fun, been informative, but this old man has got to get up in the moring and eat so I can take my back pills!! :thumb: ...see you boyz later on!! :hello:
  7. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance many of those would it take to pull a 12 row MaxEmerge Planter or a 30' No Till Drill set up??... many you got...any for sale...just might be calling you!! :D
  8. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...LBZOOMdude...that adds a whole new perspective to the itch you just scratched...very nice in your reply too...FOUR HOOVES UP for that informational, yet polite postage :thumb:
  9. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance whomever hooked me up with the AWESOME avatar just now...THANKS!! :woott: ...that is SCHWEET ...CAT'S are in the Peterbilts!!:woott: ...and the signature is funny too! :D obviously I know more about my Deere-A-Max than many will ever know about their's :D :D
  10. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...not just interesting JOSH H...but ADDICTING is a better description...if you have one neere you, be sure to give them a try next time they come around!! don't have to thank me now!!...but you will later!! :yumyum::D
  11. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...well maybe they are in the parallel universe you live in, but certainly not in the one I am successfully living in :D:D:D ...and FYI...I was NOT "talking back" to MIKE L ...that is YOUR interpretation and you are welcome to it :thumb: just so happens that this is how an internet...
  12. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance the way and on a side note...seeing you like pancakes...I do too!!...did you get a chance to try those they offered at IHOP during the Christmas Holidays??... ...holy cow were those egg nog pancakes freaking AWESOME or what!! :woott::woott::woott:
  13. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance offense meant, so please don't take any, but so that I may did you get that from what he wrote in his reply?? ...I guess everyone looks at things differently maybe, but that is not how I undeerestood his remarks about what he was asked about and replied to... ...did...
  14. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance really know how to hurt a guy!! :D case still in business??...don't see them around much in the field...mainly see what's left of them in the repair shop :trueconfirmed: ...koobota makes lawn tractors right?? ;)
  15. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...thats cool :thumb: that I may this a requirement that all tuners must abide by to be considered worthy??...
  16. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...LMAO :D ...IMHO the POWERFULL people should have been made least that is the color of the almighty POWER in the Farming Community!! :woott:
  17. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance you really want me to bother your eyes by going back to the standard plain jane black and white text color??...interesting :confused: ...I will give it some consideration ;) ...would it be okay if I were to tell you that I think your user name would look much better in GREEN instead...
  18. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance is your idea of what is practical better than my idea of what is practical... ...or is your idea of what is practical just different than mine or someone elses idea of what is practical?...
  19. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...smithlbz...thats cool :thumb: ...let me ask you so that I may is okay if "my" bang for the buck is different from yours or someone elses??...
  20. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...LMM757...this is an EXCELLENT post relative to the way things seem to have progressed on this thread which asked a simple question...and was seeminly answered... ...then a few guys go all alpha male on a guy for basically saying "thanks" :rolleyes: far as "pay to play"...WTF is up...