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  1. DonDeere

    Punisher Performance

    ...tuned my 2002 Deere-A-Max...simply LOVE it!!...thing runs better than ever...has more power AND improved the fuel economy :thumb: ...tuned something like 70 or 80 D-Max's last yeere and did it appears, a good number of exhaust, guage, extra goodies install's as well... ...judging from his...
  2. DonDeere

    LB7: Duramax not starting in cold did tighten the bleed screw back up right??... ...I'm certain you did :thumb: ...if that is the case(dammit I said case :mad: ) then you may very well have an issue with the supply line/system coming from the tank "before" it gets to your filter base(sucking air instead of fuel)...