What the hell happened?


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Where did all the tech info go? I feel like a lot of the good posts have disappeared underneath a bunch of bull$#it. I miss when it was a small community full of good info for hotrodders. Maybe its just me but I believe its time for a break from the internet world and keep on with the current builds/endeavors I have. I have faith in a lot of you guys to bring it all back :hug:


Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
Where did all the tech info go? I feel like a lot of the good posts have disappeared underneath a bunch of bull$#it. I miss when it was a small community full of good info for hotrodders. Maybe its just me but I believe its time for a break from the internet world and keep on with the current builds/endeavors I have. I have faith in a lot of you guys to bring it all back :hug:

Please do

Ohhh nooozzzzz, Someone posted in a thread about something I didnt know so I will cry and create a thread and whine about how everything sucks....

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Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Mike thats not what I am talking about. I know what gear oil is and what to put in it. Im talking about the general shape that all this has taken. And you shouldnt be so quick to bash. Whats funny is I ended up tuning a truck in a Wal-Mart parking lot because this 18 year old kid spent his hard earned money on EFILive and his tuner gave him a shit tune and quit answering the phone and he was left stranded. I didnt post up about it, as I dont feel others flaws make me better. Maybe spend less time on the internet and more on the phone with your customers who need help.


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
I guess it depends on what "tech" your looking for, ive seen quite a bit lately, and a lot of people helping other people out. Yeah, theres been a lot of bs too, but as any place grows, you will have that. It will never stop, you just gotta be big enough to look past it...


May 22, 2008
Hewitt, NJ
I think what he's saying is we should put more time in helping people with our knowledge, than making it a gossip page like dmaxforum.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
I completely agree with Reno. He at least has the guts to call a spade a spade over what this forum is becoming.

Sure, some still help, but not many.
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Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
Mike thats not what I am talking about. I know what gear oil is and what to put in it. Im talking about the general shape that all this has taken. And you shouldnt be so quick to bash. Whats funny is I ended up tuning a truck in a Wal-Mart parking lot because this 18 year old kid spent his hard earned money on EFILive and his tuner gave him a shit tune and quit answering the phone and he was left stranded. I didnt post up about it, as I dont feel others flaws make me better. Maybe spend less time on the internet and more on the phone with your customers who need help.

Cool story bro
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Aug 29, 2008
Fairbanks, AK
Amen Jordan and glad it was said!

There is too many keyboard experts and an awful lot of bashing on ideas, answers, pricing etc...
If you stop listening to new ideas and other thoughts you should probably hang it up as a builder/tuner because someone else that is trying new stuff is going to pass you up!


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
He drives a 2005 LLY and you know its true Mike you can say a story is a story. Ill post the tune up if you like. And spareparts I dont bash your threads, you said its over facts yourself. Pardon me if I like facts.


Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
He drives a 2005 LLY and you know its true Mike you can say a story is a story. Ill post the tune up if you like. And spareparts I dont bash your threads, you said its over facts yourself. Pardon me if I like facts.

Im not worried about it dude. There are reasons why somethings are the way they are. Thanks for fixing a free tune dude. You are a life saver. Good thing you are so wonderful and have all the knowledge about everything. Post more and say how this has nothing to do with the other thread that got you all sad. :rofl:

And if you wanna talk about sitting in a parking lot fixing something, ask half the socal dmax guys about just that mr. best turbo installer. :thumb:

Im done going back and fourth with you here. Its getting old and wasting my time, you seem to be good at wasting my time since day 1 that I known you.


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
You know the tech here on this site was and AFAIK still is unbeatable in most cases. Thats what really pulled me in! I liked reading on here to see what guys are doing and how they are doing it. If i had a problem or someone else does, there are alot of good brains to pick here, more so than any other site! Not to toot my own horn, but stuff like where I gutted a CP3 and posted pictures and what not, that was pretty cool and i had fun doing it. Alot of us had wanted to see inside a CP3! Now i can see a differance from now VS a couple years ago. The site has grown alot. Theres going to be alot of Newbish questions and posts but we've all been a noob at somthing and had those same questions in one way or another. Cant blame a fella for wanting to learn! I think the Search button should be used more but at the same time it sucks reading through tons of post only to not find a spicific awnser. I think the diesel scene has slowed up like everything else these days so thats not helped. I'd prolly been on here alot more if my truck was driveable:eek: Still yet, alot of good friends on here and thats a big part of it to me!:thumb:

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Maybe there should be a Newb infomation center, with a ton of stickies for the new comers so they avoid asking what is the best oil, how big of tire questions...

I still see alot of tech info on here everyday,:confused:

Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
Im not worried about it dude. There are reasons why somethings are the way they are. Thanks for fixing a free tune dude. You are a life saver. Good thing you are so wonderful and have all the knowledge about everything. Post more and say how this has nothing to do with the other thread that got you all sad. :rofl:

And if you wanna talk about sitting in a parking lot fixing something, ask half the socal dmax guys about just that mr. best turbo installer. :thumb:

Im done going back and fourth with you here. Its getting old and wasting my time, you seem to be good at wasting my time since day 1 that I known you.

Your warranty was up after the first three feet out of the driveway Mike. :rolleyes: