WOW. Read this.


tired of GM bashers
Apr 25, 2008
As many threads that have been started on all the diesel sites, one would think ATS would step up on ONE of them and refute the claim if it was untrue. The only thing I have seen thus far is they asked DP to remove the thread.
They MUST know it is all over the internet.


tired of GM bashers
Apr 25, 2008
Also, everyone seems focused on PDI, but every DPF delete supplier and mfg should be concerned

ATS has prepared a list of the larger DPF Delete kit manufacturers and resellers, gleaned from our knowledge of the industry, for you. We’ve also included support documentation for your convenience.

BTW... someone asked if I was related to Clint Cannon.... NO, I'm not.

super diesel

<<<< Under Pressure
Big surprise that ATS would pull this :rolleyes: This should hopefully put the nail in the coffin, a simple name change like the other 10 or so won't fix it this time.

You mean like: #1. Advanced Transmission Specialists
#2. Advanced Turbo Systems
#3. Aurora Turbo Sytems

Earth Roamer and Discovery ch. may be able to chime in on these changes? Alleged back stab?

ATS= :help: :sucks:
Last edited:


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen IF it's true. Here's a company that is completely wrapped up in selling diesel hot rod stuff for years that their OWN employees and owners drive on the streets and NOW what to come clean with the EPA?

So is this where they give everyone a refund for purchased Cat delete exhausts and performance tuners or point to the small print OFF ROAD USE ONLY!

Anyone have videos or pictures of Clint on the road with his Duramax? You should submit those items to the EPA! Pot meet Kettle :D


No Lemming Here
Aug 15, 2007
San Diego
I read most of this thread and portions of compdiesel thread. Read the letter from ATS.

Gents, IMO, this is simply BIG business. Millions in DPF hi perf, the market has to go this direction.

ATS is a fair size company turning a big profit through commodity and volume... this creates risk and exposure to risk.

ATS is trying to get ahead (read $$$ for Owner and Stockholders) or the guy who put the letter on the i-net has his own agenda (sinking ATS?). Why else post it? Who is to benefit from posting it? The consumer?

Doesn't matter how i FEEL, its simply BUSINESS.

My .02 cents... like it matters.


but this one goes to 11
May 1, 2008
Indy, IN
I do see that they are still selling Turbo Back exhausts though for LB7-LBZ. I guess pulling the cat is less criminal than pulling the DPF.


Almost Stock
Jul 6, 2007
If it's true, then the simplest way to let ATS know how you feel is to not buy their products and encourage others to do the same. If they don't have profits, R&D can not continue. At least not without getting some kind of investor, but if the voices are loud enough and in unison... who knows, maybe ATS will go away. :D


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I read most of this thread and portions of compdiesel thread. Read the letter from ATS.

Gents, IMO, this is simply BIG business. Millions in DPF hi perf, the market has to go this direction.
ATS is a fair size company turning a big profit through commodity and volume... this creates risk and exposure to risk.

ATS is trying to get ahead (read $$$ for Owner and Stockholders) or the guy who put the letter on the i-net has his own agenda (sinking ATS?). Why else post it? Who is to benefit from posting it? The consumer?

Doesn't matter how i FEEL, its simply BUSINESS.

My .02 cents... like it matters.

That is very true but to play snitch or rat and point thy finger DIRECTLY as they are STEALING away from our purpose of R&D or the possibility of selling OUR own (ATS) products to cover R&D? Big business yes,unethical business practices? Big time.

That's what I believe it's all about,unethical and Pot calling out the Kettle hey you blacky. :D


Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
I read most of this thread and portions of compdiesel thread. Read the letter from ATS.

Gents, IMO, this is simply BIG business. Millions in DPF hi perf, the market has to go this direction.

ATS is a fair size company turning a big profit through commodity and volume... this creates risk and exposure to risk.

ATS is trying to get ahead (read $$$ for Owner and Stockholders) or the guy who put the letter on the i-net has his own agenda (sinking ATS?). Why else post it? Who is to benefit from posting it? The consumer?

Doesn't matter how i FEEL, its simply BUSINESS.

My .02 cents... like it matters.

lol, business??? NO. "IF" ATS wrote that, everyone can see where they will go, its all over the diesel community and any business owner and or representative would have seen what an outcome of something like that would cause. That letter if written by ATS is nothing more than an act of someone pissed off at another company, read between the lines of it. Not to mention the slander of another repeatable company. Business my be like that, but that type of business will only hurt itself if it is out in the open...

My take, is ATS wanted to maybe scare PDI. I bet the letter was never sent to EPA, just addressed then forwarded around to get to PDI. ATS is out of there mind to think they protected by throwing people under the bus. Theres no way the EPA would give them an out for providing companies information that says there in the wrong. THe EPA already knows whats going on, and they can and will if they choose to come after the ones violating the law. Will they? maybe one day they will start cracking down harder on aftermarket installers, manufactures, and end users. And yes when they do, you can bet a company the size of ATS will be looked into. I think the letter is just another tool that was used to mess with the competition and was overlooked the possibility of it backfiring.

my $.06


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
Like I've said, I hope it's not true, but the source is a writer for diesel magazines. He stuck his neck out in a big way, and has nothing to gain except perhaps unemployment from posting this letter.

I've met the gentleman and I'd say he's a straight shooter and a professional.


No Lemming Here
Aug 15, 2007
San Diego
Hey guys i agree it sucks...

Call 'em snitch, rat, kettle black, whatever... while they are doing the same thing. Whatever, spin it anyway you see it, we/I/you have that right here at Pats place. I respect your opinion Man, its all good.

I am simply saying... Its BIG BUSINESS, this stuff has been going on for years. In business you take lunch you ARE LUNCH. You save your fellow he'll get you later... kill 'em kill 'em all.... sorry you can't let 'em limp away.

Not tooting here but I have run some big companies, 40+ mil annual.

Read the book by Nicolo Machiavelli from the 1500's, this Dude ran it all and never got any blood on his hands. Thats 400 + years ago.

Agreed it sucks, values and principles got swept under the rug somewhere along the line... they simply got caught. In a year or so all but a handful of us will have forgotten about this.:(


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Hey guys i agree it sucks...

Call 'em snitch, rat, kettle black, whatever... while they are doing the same thing. Whatever, spin it anyway you see it, we/I/you have that right here at Pats place. I respect your opinion Man, its all good.

I am simply saying... Its BIG BUSINESS, this stuff has been going on for years. In business you take lunch you ARE LUNCH. You save your fellow he'll get you later... kill 'em kill 'em all.... sorry you can't let 'em limp away.

Not tooting here but I have run some big companies, 40+ mil annual.

Read the book by Nicolo Machiavelli from the 1500's, this Dude ran it all and never got any blood on his hands. Thats 400 + years ago.

Agreed it sucks, values and principles got swept under the rug somewhere along the line... they simply got caught. In a year or so all but a handful of us will have forgotten about this.:(

Hey I agree with you it is business . Dog it dog atmosphere and right now Clint's undies are made of doggy bones. :D


Sep 3, 2006
So, his attorney drafted the letter on his own and sent it to Clint..?..


Hopefully his attorney has enough sense not to put himself in such a position.


comlpete diphsit
Aug 17, 2006
under my truck
Copied from elsewhere:

Hello Everyone. This is Bryan @ ATS Diesel and Clint has prepared a statement and has asked me to post EXACTLY this on his behalf:

After reading the forums for the last several years, and being in the business for more than fifteen, I thought I had seen it all. However, the level of hate in this last series of forum posts is unbelievable.

At SEMA this year, my attorney Stewart Cables and I attended numerous seminars regarding the new CARB and EPA regulations for our industry. At SEMA, ATS (among others) spoke with the EPA about potential ways to relax the stringent guidelines the EPA enforces on the diesel community, and how we could lessen its impact through legislation. In the meantime, Stewart drafted a letter (the one you see on the forums) and sent it to me on my email. When he sent me the draft, I was totally surprised. I told him he was absolutely not allowed to send it to the EPA or anyone else for that matter. I did not think he would identify specific people or companies, and ATS has never been the type of company to participate in negative tactics like this. He agreed. The letter posted on the forums right now is the only draft in existence.

When I told him no, as his client, that was the end of that. But now, thanks to whoever posted this information, this information is completely public and everyone in the whole diesel community knows about it. Now, the EPA knows information I would never, ever allow to be posted on the internet. Thanks to this letter, to that secret person, the EPA has a very good idea of EVERYONE who has purchased a DPF delete kit, and they can see how many of these delete kits are out there on the road.

Before this hit the forums, Jared sent me a text saying “Thanks for the letter to the EPA.” I had no idea what he was talking about since Stewart’s letter was never released. At first, I thought he was joking. I asked, pleaded with him to forward me the email or send me the source so I could figure out what he was talking about. He refused. Why? Why would he refuse to let me know where he got the email, if I truly sent the letter? I know that a lot of you will call Jared to see if this is true, which is great. It seems that everyone knew about this letter before myself and ATS.

On this letter, that supposedly went to the EPA, where is my signature? Where is Stewart’s signature? Where is the ATS letterhead we use for every letter that goes out the door? Where is the envelope? How could someone say ATS sent a letter to the EPA without intercepting it in the mail?

The only two people in the world to have ever seen this letter, before December, were myself and my attorney. Yet here it is, all over the internet for everyone to see and rip on ATS as rats and liars. That’s bs. ATS is aggressively pursuing the individuals involved with illegally accessing my private and confidential emails. My name has been drug through the mud and I will not tolerate the public posting of my private attorney emails. ATS will find out who accessed its private files and we will pursue every legal option available when we do.

I have received evidence that an unauthorized source has accessed my personal e-mail. This is unfortunately not the first time that strictly confidential internal information from my e-mail was accessed and used in a negative way towards ATS, but for the first time I now have proof as to who gained access to the server. I am very upset about this and concerned for all in the industry including ATS, as we all are in this niche industry together.