UPS Strikes Again


New member
May 15, 2012
So, I sold a pair of turbos in a garage sale on this forum and when my buyer received them they were damaged. The intake housings are both dented and have scrapes on them. They are Borg Warner s256's and I am wondering what it would cost to get new housings. Possibly they could be just bent back and welded? How much for a shop to inspect? I may file a claim but I made the mistake of not buying insurance when shipping. Thanks


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
Out and about
got to love UPS, I sent a box to MPI and they decided to change the address on the box to send it someplace else. I called and they where like we delivered the package to .... address I said that's not the address I sent it to they said someone at their hub decided to do it. they went back to pick up the package and whom ever they shipped it to said it was theirs.... they gave me the address they sent it to my accident (I called them back and they said they could not give me the address again). I asked the guy if it happens to show up to give me a call a week later I got a call. and they want a pay increase... pish


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
I'm just not surprised at these stories any more.

If you didn't buy the insurance, you're SOL for anything more than $100. Sorry.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Better packaging my friend UPS don't care how they handle things

I'd have to agree some what here. How were they packed? Could have not been very well for that damage,sorry. :eek:

Should have been bubble wrapped very well in a good fitting heavy box. Those turbos aren't light. Box must have been all busted up.


New member
May 15, 2012
yeah i usually would have bought insurance but it seems like when you have insurance they mark the box (don't throw this one).. but i had them packed really tight with double layered cardboard and them foam buttons. they definitely couldn't move around. worst part is they packaged in a new box and delivered it without informing the guy that it had been damaged.


New member
May 15, 2012
got to love UPS, I sent a box to MPI and they decided to change the address on the box to send it someplace else. I called and they where like we delivered the package to .... address I said that's not the address I sent it to they said someone at their hub decided to do it. they went back to pick up the package and whom ever they shipped it to said it was theirs.... they gave me the address they sent it to my accident (I called them back and they said they could not give me the address again). I asked the guy if it happens to show up to give me a call a week later I got a call. and they want a pay increase... pish

I'm lost for words man. thats terrible. hope what you shipped wasn't worth a lot.. assuming it was though


Costly Obsessions
Aug 7, 2013
I always use insurance out of fear any shipping place will loose it or damage it. good luck with getting everything squared away tho


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Well that sucks ,I'm surprised that they put it in a new box. I could see them taping it but a new box . Looks like they were beat up bad and dropped I would still try and put a claim in myself even without the insurance clearly they damaged the shipment. You never know


Honey Badger
Sep 25, 2010
Hagerstown MD
Wow that sucks. Foam peanuts aren't enought for something of that weight I would say, should have used a bunch of bubble wrap too. There's still no excuse for that kind of damage!


The Still Master
Next time do yourself a favor, get some spray foam from the store, the kind that is used for sealing cracks and crevices and some painters plastic.

Wrap your item in plastic, spray foam the bottom of the box, throw a little plastic on it and set your part in there.

Repeat for the sides and then the top.

Use HD Clear tape and you won't ever have an issue, also always insure the part for the value, plus the shipping and as a new part and not used.

I ship tons of stuff and always hope that it gets there, but when it does not I am covered and so is my customer.

Good Luck


New member
May 15, 2012
thanks guys. yeah I should have bought some bubble wrap or do what GMC_2002_Dmax said. usually I don't have problems with shipping but this time I learned my lesson. The way it sounds just the housings are damaged. The buyer said he would bring it in for inspection on Friday. them housings are pretty stout so i would assume a little bending and rewelding would save a lot of $$. but its the buyers decision, sounds like he wants new housings.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I bet you didn't.......I would file a claim with with UPS. But from the pictures posted, if worse came to worse, and depending on how damaged they are, you could still use them and your air filter will cover the damage or it could be fixed.

That's is probably the case but IF I was buying them I would want a better price as I didn't buy damaged goods. So sucks for the seller but like you saying they aren't a complete loss.


New member
May 15, 2012
yeah as long as the damage is what we see, the turbos should perform just as well. like i said a guy could bend/reweld to make the housing smooth again. If that were to happen, id just credit back some money to make up for the damages. Hoping UPS will help pitch in but they will likely want to see the turbos and inspect themselves and that is just a pain. maybe they will accept pictures. filed a claim, waiting on a response.


Wanna be puller!
Nov 22, 2008
Next time do yourself a favor, get some spray foam from the store, the kind that is used for sealing cracks and crevices and some painters plastic.

Wrap your item in plastic, spray foam the bottom of the box, throw a little plastic on it and set your part in there.

Repeat for the sides and then the top.

Use HD Clear tape and you won't ever have an issue, also always insure the part for the value, plus the shipping and as a new part and not used.

I ship tons of stuff and always hope that it gets there, but when it does not I am covered and so is my customer.

Good Luck

That's a great tip! I never thought of the spray foam in a can. It's pretty cheap also.:thumb: