Going across the top or bottom?
There is a loves/flying J at state line on 80 in Ohio.. Ta exit 4 on 80 in nj
70 there's a sheets at xt10 in WV by cabelas.. And a TA at xt 11 on 70
I always carry a can or two and I'll stop and toss in a few to get me to another station if necessary. PA must tax the shit out of fuel.
I80 is better than the roads I took through TN, VA, MD and then north to NY. The hills weren't horrific, but the traffic forced me to slow before hills then pull them hard in 4th.
I been hauling skid loaders to and from a job about a hour away, the truck loves 70 MPH+ but in town, I am not happy with my S366. I am not sure what to do, get a tap shifter or S475 on top of my S366 and later make it into a S480 or 83.