Well, I wasn't able to get out to the Fonda Pull because we got a record breaking Nor'easter and I have been out straight ever since. I can't thank Evan enough for his generosity letting me borrow his turbo. My friend who's family owns a machine shop locally helped me out a lot too very last minute, and thank to him, his father, and Smith & Wesson I had a heat treated 4340 SS hitch ready to go for the pull free of charge. I was wrenching on it even after the power went out during the storm, before I went out to plow and cut trees, because she developed a coolant leak at the flanges of the coolant y-bridge. The Aeromotive 11108 pump is a monster, and I had the return tee'd into the stock 3/8 return and it wasn't enough, so I have a 1/2" dedicated return to install when I get a free night. hopefully once we can get RP at idle down to normal we can get it to drive normal again. It started out at 21k psi at idle, and with changes to B1010 we got it down to ~13k when warm. However, it wont spool worth a shit and it backfires and sputters pretty bad on the low end, with lots of whitish smoke. Before I replaced the Kennedy pumps with the Aeromotive, I drove it and it was extremely strong and responsive up to about 14-1500 microseconds then it would sputter and skip since it was out of fuel.