So I built a friend of mines transmission. He dropped it off Monday and I've been working on it till 3 every night this week after work. Everything went together great, nothing questionable. I felt really good about it. I was taking it off jack stands when he showed up unexpectedly (we all know how awesome it is working who someone over shoulder). So I buttoned everything up, cleared taps, jacked up the rear end so wheels were off the ground so I could put it in drive for a bit before putting in reverse To back out. Everything went good. So we hopped in and went for a drive. I was super nervous because I had no idea how it was gunna go. Took off 1/4 throttle, had all 5 gears I was happy, slowed down to go thru town, left town, gave it a half throttle pull, went down the road a ways, turned around and punched it from a dead stop. It pulled great shifted awesome and locked up firm. Everyone was smiling ear to ear! Slowed down to a stop Before town and decided to do another full throttle pull. When I was slowing down I didn't feel it downshift, and when I went to take off It felt like it was still in 4th so I eased it home. Only code I have is p0872. Hooked up to efi scan tool i put in the commanded gear, current gear, on and off going clutch pressure, current malfunctions, and tc slip. When I put it in drive it said it commanded 1st but then within a second you feel it hit 4th. Then it shows commanded gear is 4th, and that goes the same for 321. Clutch psi is 232. Sorry for the long post. But I am just trying to give the best description so I can get pointed in right direction.
Sold all my 6.6's and bout a 97 6.5... Life is good haha
Sold all my 6.6's and bout a 97 6.5... Life is good haha