Possible Government Shutdown


Old Man Truck
May 3, 2009
i just heard on radio deal has been reached to avoid shut down for next 5-6 days until final thing can be made


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
I agree...that still only keeps us paid till Thursday...then they get to work on the actual budget which should get interesting

05' Ditry Duramax

New member
May 3, 2008
Port Orchard Washington
I was looking forward to a few days off. I would give a weeks worth of pay so these guys could trim our spending down A BUNCH. It would be worth it to me. Right now I don't think we have much of a choice but to ditch a ton of those dumb ass programs. I'm glad the republicans have forced the spending to stop.


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
Ok well dont take this is the wrong day, because i DO think it is bs that our military wouldnt get paid, but, do some of you guys not save up? I would never live without ATLEAST a months worth of living expenses saved up in the bank. You never know whats going to happen, and no jobs are certain, even the military. Now as far as going into work without being paid, yes, thats bs, but if you had to take a month off, i would think you could do so for a bit? Especially considering most in here have modded duramaxes, if you can afford that, you should defenatly be putting money away also.

If you work under a contract, no matter what it may be, you should always pay attention to your contract date, and prepare for it.
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Sep 30, 2009
You hit the nail on the head. Saving for emergencies is definitely important. Especially if you have a family to support. The fortunate ones of us have a spouse with a job, or at least have some money saved after a reenlistment bonus (if you're lucky enough to get one) or deployment (our pay is tax free in combat zones). The real problem comes in for the single guys, or the married ones with kids. If that service member is the sole provider, then there honestly isn't much money left over to save. I'm not saying it can't be done, but the pay scale is designed to give you enough money to live on, and not much else. It's the only real way the government can afford to pay the hundreds of thousands of us and fund our training, operations, gear, etc. I did the math on my monthly Leave and Earnings Statement once and I lost around 30% of my pay back to the government before it ever hit my bank account. Where you're stationed has a lot to do with it too. The cost of living in CA or VA is much higher than NC for instance. Again, this isn't a definitive explanation, just thought I'd shed some light based on my experiences.
I feel like I can speak for my fellow service members when I say we do appreciate your support. It's truly an honor to serve the American people.:thumb::hug:
Semper Fi.
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<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Ok well dont take this is the wrong day, because i DO think it is bs that our military wouldnt get paid, but, do some of you guys not save up? I would never live without ATLEAST a months worth of living expenses saved up in the bank. You never know whats going to happen, and no jobs are certain, even the military. Now as far as going into work without being paid, yes, thats bs, but if you had to take a month off, i would think you could do so for a bit? Especially considering most in here have modded duramaxes, if you can afford that, you should defenatly be putting money away also.

If you work under a contract, no matter what it may be, you should always pay attention to your contract date, and prepare for it.

X2 my thoughts exactly had I not saved as much this last winter I'd lost it all I haven't work much in 3-4 months