Possible Government Shutdown


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
A note of good news for some in the military...if this happens you will get 1 week of pay on the 15th. However, if you have a direct deposit into Navy Federal Credit Union, Marine Fed or USAA all three will match that so you will receive a full check on the 15th.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
First off thanks for your service to our Country!

I'd think that your landlord would be some what lenient seeing that your in the military and do to these circumstances give you a break,at least you would hope. It will take him better than 3 months to evict you anyway plus cost. If you have small kids even longer.

Same with your autos you'll probably have to be 3 months behind before they reposes. Then you could hide it. :D

Good luck and this isn't the first time the Gov shut down. They did in the 90's also.

Good luck,F the GOV!


Mar 5, 2009
washington state
First off thanks for your service to our Country!

I'd think that your landlord would be some what lenient seeing that your in the military and do to these circumstances give you a break,at least you would hope. It will take him better than 3 months to evict you anyway plus cost. If you have small kids even longer.

Same with your autos you'll probably have to be 3 months behind before they reposes. Then you could hide it. :D

Good luck and this isn't the first time the Gov shut down. They did in the 90's also.

Good luck,F the GOV!

Ya true, but to those who have great credit that took 5+ years straightening out is quickly wiped out overnight due to individuals that lack an idea of the correct way of budgeting...

Texas Chevy

Active member
Feb 14, 2011
Vista, Ca
Both me and my wife are active duty Marines so we will hve no income coming in at all and I have already called all my loan holders and my mortgage company and told them about my situation and they said they would work with us. What's worse is the fact that Obama said the all members of the military are selfish for refusing to pay for our health care which is free to us military because it is a job in the military. Like in the Marine Corps we use the navy for medical. And the other branches provide their own


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Ya true, but to those who have great credit that took 5+ years straightening out is quickly wiped out overnight due to individuals that lack an idea of the correct way of budgeting...

Yes you are very correct that no matter what will effect your credit there we be no over look by a credit card ,mortgage company or auto loan facility unfortunately as they will say yu should have been prepared for it. :(

As far as the Gov and budget IMO it's more of a bipartisan issue and earmarks ,who's gonna get what for their vote, then a actual 'budget' as they really have no reality on spending verses revenue. IMO it's continues on to state and local Gov.

They need wives and husbands of real households design a budget. I'm we make x per month and we can only spend x or less. There is NO common sense to budgeting in Gov. I wish I had their check book in reality it is ours and our kids kids check book with a negative balance for the next couple 100 years,pretty said.


Mar 5, 2009
washington state
Yes you are very correct that no matter what will effect your credit there we be no over look by a credit card ,mortgage company or auto loan facility unfortunately as they will say yu should have been prepared for it. :(

As far as the Gov and budget IMO it's more of a bipartisan issue and earmarks ,who's gonna get what for their vote, then a actual 'budget' as they really have no reality on spending verses revenue. IMO it's continues on to state and local Gov.

They need wives and husbands of real households design a budget. I'm we make x per month and we can only spend x or less. There is NO common sense to budgeting in Gov. I wish I had their check book in reality it is ours and our kids kids check book with a negative balance for the next couple 100 years,pretty said.

You are very right and realistic about this. These reprocusions will be felt for years to come. If you were to include their paychecks, I bet they would rethink the whole process and decisions behind it.


Mar 5, 2009
washington state
Both me and my wife are active duty Marines so we will hve no income coming in at all and I have already called all my loan holders and my mortgage company and told them about my situation and they said they would work with us. What's worse is the fact that Obama said the all members of the military are selfish for refusing to pay for our health care which is free to us military because it is a job in the military. Like in the Marine Corps we use the navy for medical. And the other branches provide their own

You are right with that and he is not on the defense side at all. He is anti government and should get veto'd out...:thumb:


New member
Dec 18, 2010
southern utah
well im in the boat to not get paid too im a firefighter for the gov and its same boat no pay but migth have to work when the guys who wont decide on the budget still get paid hows that we all never did a thing wrong there the ones that waited for ever to decide i hope for all of us they pass a budget


'Can do' kind of guy
Apr 8, 2007
well im in the boat to not get paid too im a firefighter for the gov and its same boat no pay but migth have to work when the guys who wont decide on the budget still get paid hows that we all never did a thing wrong there the ones that waited for ever to decide i hope for all of us they pass a budget

where do you work?


The Still Master
Well I am all for the Government shutting down, it sucks but if it doesn't shut down then we have no chance of ever getting any kind of spending reductions ever !

The President thinks he is going to benefit from the shut-down and so do all the Dem's.

I say roll the dice, shut it down for a few months and then see what happens.

Remember, when the two parties are fighting and not passing laws then then country isn't getting screwed either. No Obamacare funding, nothing is getting funded.

I feel bad for the troops as you deserve to get paid first as you are protecting all of us.


Super Slow
Nov 27, 2010
Jacksonville, NC
I agree with you GMC....BUT they should have passed the troop pay resolution. After 3 deployments six year's in the Marine Corps and countless bullshit to deal with now I'm not gonna get paid this is bullshit I am all for an uprising in this country it needs to happen and I also believe Oturd should get voted the f* out. I was supposed to close on my first house monday and now my loan approval was pulled back and put into suspension because there worried about not getting the payment. I love how the people that are F*cking this up are still gonna get paid I'm sure that was the first thing they talked about. All this crap about them not accepting payment is exactly that CRAP!! They just want there districts to think they aren't the cause of this problem so they can get voted in again. On the upside we have some great banks that serve military members and are willing to put up there own money to keep us going. Which I am very greatful for, One last thing if oyu have an auto loan and are worried about not being able to pay it I have called Wells Fargo Dealer Services which is the company I have my truck loan thru and they said if I can not pay because of this they will tack next month's payment on to the end of the loan and it will not be reported to the credit agency's. But I'm sure that will only last so long. Rant off.:mad:


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
Well Grizz the nice thing is Navy Federal, Marine Federal and USAA all have said if you are a customer of theirs that for the 15th paycheck (we will be getting half pay) they will match it so no one will be shorted any money...can't say anything about if this lasts to the 1st of May but at least it's something...


Super Slow
Nov 27, 2010
Jacksonville, NC
Yea I also said something about them in my post I think it is a great thing that they would do that for us for nothing in return really. That is great customer service if you ask me and it shows they care. BUT I don't think they will do it again on the first. Especially since most of the people that bank with them also have loans thru them.