Possible Government Shutdown


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
Can't believe this may happen...

Never could have seen this happening...I thought I'm military there's no way they can't not pay me....well folks looks like it's going to happen. Not really sure what to think or say just know that the folks financing my car probably won't give a rat's ass or the landlords at my apartment....let's all hope that they can pass a budget soon. Not too much hope on that front as the House passed a stop-gap to ensure military pay and extend the time to come up with a budget but the Senate killed it and it all is a joke anyway cause Obamanation said he'd veto it anyway:mad:

Cross your fingers for our military personnel folks....

PS: The Marines/sailors/soldiers and airmen currently deployed and fighting for our freedom won't get paid either if this shit goes down


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
Seriously...I can't even believe that not paying your military yet forcing them to all still come to work is constitutional but what do I know I'm just a dumb Marine lol


Junior Member W/gray hair
Feb 17, 2007
It's not the first time...and it won't be the last...
The check covering this PP will be short, but the next one should make-up for it. If i remember correctly...


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
It all is dependent on a budget being passed...therefore if the budget doesn't get passed...we won't get paid on the 15th and if by the 1st there still isn't a budget we won't get paid that period either and so on....when a budget does get passed we'll get one hell of a paycheck...however, that doesn't pay my bills, car payment, rent, for food or anything else


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
i honestly wont be surprised to see some backlash from the military, even if it is quelled or not reported. Just one more reason I'm glad I'm at least just a WW :baby:


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
So exactly WHERE are our tax dollars they are collecting going to????

Provide For The Common Defensive is one of the very few things that the Federal Government is allowed to spend money on. Cut out all unconstitutional programs first, before touching the US Armed Forces.

FBI? Gone. States have police.
Federal Education Grants? Gone. States have educational systems.
Federal Welfare programs? Gone. States have these systems.

Understand, when the Feds have a program, the money is taken from the state taxpayers first, then some of it is given back, but not all.

But Armed Forces cannot be run by the States, that must be Federal.

Fire everyone in Congress. They are easy to replace. Lawyers are a dime a dozen.


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
My main thing is I'll likely be evicted and lose my car plus not have money to eat if the budget doesn't pass quickly....luckily the lady just got a job but 8.75/hour isn't going to cut it....


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Sorry to hear things ain't going well, but way to keep a positive attitude there.:thumb:

One things for damn sure things can always get worse.


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
That's true..thanks Dozer:hug: Hope that wasn't sarcastic lol....

I'm just worried about losing the roof over my head and my car and food...
My main thing is I'll likely be evicted and lose my car plus not have money to eat if the budget doesn't pass quickly....luckily the lady just got a job but 8.75/hour isn't going to cut it....

Man I hate to hear this really may happen. But if it does hit me up i'll put up a little coin to help you out if you really need it. Perhaps we should all chip in to help the solders on here? How would we set up a donation thread:confused:


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
For the life on me, I can't understand our congress..... Its like they're little F'ing kids...

In my mind, our Military takes priority. That means paying our service men and women on time.


IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
Thanks guys. We'll wait and see what comes. After the Presidents speech I'm even less optimistic but we'll see....I won't really start panicking until shit really hits the fan and I miss a paycheck...Fox said Obama estimated a 46 day shutdown if it happens but we'll see and if so that's a LOT of missed paychecks. :(

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
That's true..thanks Dozer:hug: Hope that wasn't sarcastic lol....

I'm just worried about losing the roof over my head and my car and food...

Man that is totally screwed, I know alot of us are hurting here and everywhere. I was screwed with my health problems kicked to the curb, though I was not a marine, I was DOD federally paid. Washington doesn't give a shit about our boys fighting and keeping our war machine moving for the greater good. You can bet the boys in congress don't have sons and daughters fighting for there country.

If I was a rich man I would send as much money as I could to every service member I could. Nothing bothered me more than when a pfc would ask what I made when I was in Baghdad. I would be honest everytime and give them my card if they wanted to come to the contractor side after there service. Last I checked PFC hazard duty was 2250 a month, is this still right?? There are contractors overseas makeing upward 25,000 a month for sitting at a desk and playing solitare all day. Feild grunts like myself never made that kind of money but we did very well no doubt. It to this day bothers me, I love and support my service members and I'm not religous man but I do pray for there safe return to base everynite and home when the tour is up

Obama needs to go and I don't care if a retarded monkey takes officeover him. Sorry for the OT this stuff bothers me
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IFS Hater
Aug 23, 2009
For the life on me, I can't understand our congress..... Its like they're little F'ing kids...

In my mind, our Military takes priority. That means paying our service men and women on time.

Seriously...but don't worry about those fat cats while they're working "overtime" their still getting paid.

Sure hope Michelle Bachmann and the other reasonable folks can come to some agreement on military pay. She just said on Fox News that she will NOT accept a paycheck during a shutdown until the troops get paid. I like where her head is at


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
That's true..thanks Dozer:hug: Hope that wasn't sarcastic lol....

I'm just worried about losing the roof over my head and my car and food...

If you didn't worry then there would be something wrong with you. Just don't let it consume you. I hate to see a good man get beaten down with "what ifs". :hug:


<< Lo-Carb Monster
Feb 27, 2009
Orlinda, TN
So exactly WHERE are our tax dollars they are collecting going to????

Provide For The Common Defensive is one of the very few things that the Federal Government is allowed to spend money on. Cut out all unconstitutional programs first, before touching the US Armed Forces.

FBI? Gone. States have police.
Federal Education Grants? Gone. States have educational systems.
Federal Welfare programs? Gone. States have these systems.

Understand, when the Feds have a program, the money is taken from the state taxpayers first, then some of it is given back, but not all.

But Armed Forces cannot be run by the States, that must be Federal.

Fire everyone in Congress. They are easy to replace. Lawyers are a dime a dozen.

Something tells me the Study to Determine why Black Eye'd Peas have Eye's won't be cancelled to payout millitary; Those earmarks are the important thing :mad:


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Biloxi, MS/Shaw AFB, SC
im currently deployed and i know one thing for sure, i can't wait until this enlistment is up....no pay??? just about everyone joins the military so there will be a guaranteed paycheck coming in...so much for that! lets not pay our military, but lets give haiti more money than they had to begin with. it just doesn't make sense...o well...not much us service memebers can say about the whole thing....t minus 9 months until im a civilian again!!:woott: