I thought if it didn't ramp up all the way with the regulator unplugged it would tell you that the regulator is not the problem? That something else is going wrong... maybe I'm dead wrong. Yes I have been in contact with john on a regular basis, he is a nice guy offering to send me a brand new pump to try out. Refered me to a local puller to help me with a return rate test or the like.
I will call Dave too if and see if he has anymore ideas. Dave was very helpful pushing to get my pump to me in time, and trying to diagnose the problem. Though it hasn't been figured out yet, obviously.. Not that I don't want help from dts, but truth be told I need someone in person to help me rather than just talking about it on the phone, unless its just ruling out things or something like that. But Johns been very nice and seems like I should stay in contact with mostly, just because he knows alot more than anyone else what kind of problems could be going on that could cause this. I am still open to more ideas though of he has any I can call. That goes to the forum too I'm still open to weird ideas, and thanks so far to everyone posting up trying to figure it out with me.
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