New Tax Rate

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Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I don't mean to be a dick, but making 65-80k a year, and you "need" to collect unemployment?! Don't you know how to save for a rainy day? You make twice what I do! Again, sorry to be a dick, but this is just a question, or observation... or whatever.

I dont "NEED" it no, but have you filled your truck up lately or bought groceries? Please dont tell me your starving to:roflmao:


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Are you nuts? You are saying i should move because i get laid off every winter:confused: Good Job you make more money but i get a vacation while its -5 degrees outside and your working all damn year. Its not my fault i get laid off due to mother nature, im sorry i wont go work at mcd's for a couple months a year because i have unemployment to cover me cause my employer pays it all year for me. Not sure what you make but if i worked 12 months i doubt you would make much more. If you do congrats for you hopefully you dont lose your job or you may need unemployment.... Or wait your such a badass you will just go sell peanuts since there isnt any other jobs...Wait you will just move again. Man you sure have all the answers:roflmao: And your union remark is a VERY uneducated stupid response. Believe everything you see on TV:roflmao: I can tell you probably are a closet Obama voter:rolleyes: Im union and i didnt vote for him so that can tell you how lazy i am right?

I work when its -30? What do you do you cant work in -5? And Obama voter eh? No im not i hate that have very poor judgment of me

In your situation you dont need to move but you said theres more people then jobs which people need more then 26 weeks of unemployment thats when i said they should move to find the work or travel like me. So before you act like a ****in dbag toward me better understand what i was saying to you. I travel just like millions do to nd for work theres people here from every state im the union.

Also my comment bout the union is you almost all act the same we've hired and fired plenty. All have the same i need attitude or its to cold or its to wet or its break time bs. Some work very hard and dont bitch but i have found them very few and far between maybe you are one i dont know

I dont "NEED" it no, but have you filled your truck up lately or bought groceries? Please dont tell me your starving to:roflmao:

Yep try having a kid and mortgage and getting groceries, medical costs and everything else i save and spend wisely but i dont feel.its wrong to draw for a month if you want to help dampin the blow thats what its there for 26 weeks worth
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This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
I dont "NEED" it no, but have you filled your truck up lately or bought groceries? Please dont tell me your starving to:roflmao:

No I haven't actually. I farm, so there are some perks... Hell, just the fuel I give myself, we'd prolly end up making the same $ if you added that in! :spit:

Yeah groceries are unreal. I have a wife that stays at home with my two kiddo's, so that bill is a big one. I even grow a few steers a year and get all the taters you could ever want.... I keep telling her we can live on top ramen, but she doesn't buy into it.:rolleyes:

But I do have a year's worth of wages saved that we could live on if we absolutely needed to.:thumb:


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Dieselmafiaper i understand what your saying but you didn't quite get what i am trying to say or maybe i worded it wrong. I do agree unemployment doesnt need to be longer than 26 weeks. The way i was taking peoples comments was that unemployment needed cut back more than that. I have never even drew my 26 weeks before! I understand the unions... I work more hours in 6 months out of the year than most do all year long because i work 7/12s 90% of the time when im working so actually i usually put way more hours in than a person who works 40 hrs. per week. But enough said im not lazy, i like to work for what i have and ive never had any government assistance other than unemployment and i do rely on it when im laid off because i know for sure i will be getting called back soon. I would rather see the spending cuts go to welfare, foodstamps, obama phones etc.. than it go to cutting a benefit for the working man make sense? Thats all im saying. I get a little defensive when people start talking about cutting unemployment when half the damn country is on welfare selling crack out of there free house while talking on their free phone thats all. :thumb:


Finally boosted launches
Sep 10, 2012
I'm not picking sides but I will say that what really sucks are people who work hard,pay taxes,ss,medicare,etc,get laid off or fired while some asshole has milked the system for years and never put in nothing. Why not cut all gov supported programs and have people pay for a private unemployment insurance,oh I know why our goverment wouldn't allow it.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Dieselmafiaper i understand what your saying but you didn't quite get what i am trying to say or maybe i worded it wrong. I do agree unemployment doesnt need to be longer than 26 weeks. The way i was taking peoples comments was that unemployment needed cut back more than that. I have never even drew my 26 weeks before! I understand the unions... I work more hours in 6 months out of the year than most do all year long because i work 7/12s 90% of the time when im working so actually i usually put way more hours in than a person who works 40 hrs. per week. But enough said im not lazy, i like to work for what i have and ive never had any government assistance other than unemployment and i do rely on it when im laid off because i know for sure i will be getting called back soon. I would rather see the spending cuts go to welfare, foodstamps, obama phones etc.. than it go to cutting a benefit for the working man make sense? Thats all im saying. I get a little defensive when people start talking about cutting unemployment when half the damn country is on welfare selling crack out of there free house while talking on their free phone thats all. :thumb:

i never said it needed cut just 26 weeks is were it needs to stop no more, also in my opinion welfare, social security, medicare all need gotten rid of totally. then i could save the like 8-10k a year?? iirc i put into that system and put it in my own account for retierment and my own health costs


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
Are you nuts? You are saying i should move because i get laid off every winter:confused: Good Job you make more money but i get a vacation while its -5 degrees outside and your working all damn year. Its not my fault i get laid off due to mother nature, im sorry i wont go work at mcd's for a couple months a year because i have unemployment to cover me cause my employer pays it all year for me. Not sure what you make but if i worked 12 months i doubt you would make much more. If you do congrats for you hopefully you dont lose your job or you may need unemployment.... Or wait your such a badass you will just go sell peanuts since there isnt any other jobs...Wait you will just move again. Man you sure have all the answers:roflmao: And your union remark is a VERY uneducated stupid response. Believe everything you see on TV:roflmao: I can tell you probably are a closet Obama voter:rolleyes: Im union and i didnt vote for him so that can tell you how lazy i am right?

I have been in construction all my life. Never once had to claim it. You know why? I plan on those shitty months. So in the summer when I get those big checks. I put them into savings instead of spending them. Sounds like your just as bad as many of the moooches out there.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I have been in construction all my life. Never once had to claim it. You know why? I plan on those shitty months. So in the summer when I get those big checks. I put them into savings instead of spending them. Sounds like your just as bad as many of the moooches out there.

Good for you:eek: Im glad you work all year to save your money and spend all of it to survive over the winter, REALLY smart idea:roflmao: I guess you do not accept your health benefits you employer pays for you either huh:roflmao: I have drawn 2,600 in unemployment benefits this winter, what a real mooch...:blowme:


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
Good for you:eek: Im glad you work all year to save your money and spend all of it to survive over the winter, REALLY smart idea:roflmao: I guess you do not accept your health benefits you employer pays for you either huh:roflmao: I have drawn 2,600 in unemployment benefits this winter, what a real mooch...:blowme:

Don't worry. Obama is going to take care of you. Can tell your union by that attitude. Everyone owes you something. I don't use my employers insurance either. But nice try. Hope that free cell phone has unlimited data so you can reply to this.


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
I would rather not pay the tax (or have my boss pay the tax) that goes towards that program, and just give me the money and not have to pay hundreds of people to manage the program (oh bty govt workers don't help that GDP). But then you are assuming people are smart enough to put away.
Here is something that is going to piss a lot of people off, guess what 90% of Americans (and probably you reading this) are over paid. I don't care what you think, I don't care what the unions say, on the global market you are overpaid and spoiled like non other. Don't belive me? Why have so many jobs been outsorced even with tarifs in place? sure the quality of the US made stuff is better (sometimes) but asian markets are getting good at making good stuff.... they already make it cheaper and now they are getting good at it.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Don't worry. Obama is going to take care of you. Can tell your union by that attitude. Everyone owes you something. I don't use my employers insurance either. But nice try. Hope that free cell phone has unlimited data so you can reply to this.

DAMN right im union and proud of it:thumb: SO once again :blowme: and you have a great night spending all your hard earned money you saved all year:thumb: People are just jealous they do not make a decent hourly rate and o/t and good insurance that unions offer. Have a goodnight sir.:hug:


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I would rather not pay the tax (or have my boss pay the tax) that goes towards that program, and just give me the money and not have to pay hundreds of people to manage the program (oh bty govt workers don't help that GDP). But then you are assuming people are smart enough to put away.
Here is something that is going to piss a lot of people off, guess what 90% of Americans (and probably you reading this) are over paid. I don't care what you think, I don't care what the unions say, on the global market you are overpaid and spoiled like non other. Don't belive me? Why have so many jobs been outsorced even with tarifs in place? sure the quality of the US made stuff is better (sometimes) but asian markets are getting good at making good stuff.... they already make it cheaper and now they are getting good at it.

I agree with you on that:thumb:


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
DAMN right im union and proud of it:thumb: SO once again :blowme: and you have a great night spending all your hard earned money you saved all year:thumb: People are just jealous they do not make a decent hourly rate and o/t and good insurance that unions offer. Have a goodnight sir.:hug:

I have to spend it on something since I can not buy twinkies any more. Wonder what those union workers are doing? Oh ya collecting unemployment like you.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I have to spend it on something since I can not buy twinkies any more. Wonder what those union workers are doing? Oh ya collecting unemployment like you.

Yep that was stupid, BUT how long did you expect them to get walked all over? They were probably tired of paycuts while exects got bonuses. Kinda the same situation me and you and most others on this website feel about the federal government right now! Or wait its ok for us to be mad at the government and not want to pay more taxes because they are foolishly spending our tax dollars but its not alright for the unionworkers to not want to take there 2nd or 3rd paycuts in the past 4 years? SAME situation bud:thumb: Its funny how you can try.. and slame a person collecting unemployment when there are so many POS drawing welfare. And guess what you have a person in your family drawing welfare and unemployment.


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
Yep that was stupid, BUT how long did you expect them to get walked all over? They were probably tired of paycuts while exects got bonuses. Kinda the same situation me and you and most others on this website feel about the federal government right now! Or wait its ok for us to be mad at the government and not want to pay more taxes because they are foolishly spending our tax dollars but its not alright for the unionworkers to not want to take there 2nd or 3rd paycuts in the past 4 years? SAME situation bud:thumb: Its funny how you can try.. and slame a person collecting unemployment when there are so many POS drawing welfare. And guess what you have a person in your family drawing welfare and unemployment.

Dude. You are collecting unemployment but your bragging about how great the union is? You win. I don't know what to say.
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Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
DAMN right im union and proud of it:thumb: SO once again :blowme: and you have a great night spending all your hard earned money you saved all year:thumb: People are just jealous they do not make a decent hourly rate and o/t and good insurance that unions offer. Have a goodnight sir.:hug:

Lol, Unions dont offer a decent hourly rate or O/T your so screwed up on this it isnt even funny, its sad. Unions offer harbor for shitty workers and ride the backs of the good workers forced to belong to them. Unions dont sign paychecks or offer employment (aside from a few of there cronies). A union is a ceiling telling you how sucessful you can be, how far you can make it, and what you can do, works great if your a man incapable of determining your own sucess. Unions inherently create shitty workers, what incentive does one have to work hard in a union, when hard work isnt rewarded and the slob next to you is making the same you are? They cater to the lowest common denominator of employees.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Dude. You are colleting unemployment but your bragging about how the great the union is? You win. I don't know what to say.

What does that have to do with the union? Not much bridge construction goes on around here in the winter union OR not. And i never once bragged about the union. I actually do not vote the union way because im republican. Its i job a got that pays well keeps me working 9 months out of the year minimum and pays well. Im sorry you cant except that. You win


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Lol, Unions dont offer a decent hourly rate or O/T your so screwed up on this it isnt even funny, its sad. Unions offer harbor for shitty workers and ride the backs of the good workers forced to belong to them. Unions dont sign paychecks or offer employment (aside from a few of there cronies). A union is a ceiling telling you how sucessful you can be, how far you can make it, and what you can do, works great if your a man incapable of determining your own sucess. Unions inherently create shitty workers, what incentive does one have to work hard in a union, when hard work isnt rewarded and the slob next to you is making the same you are? They cater to the lowest common denominator of employees.

I guess your comment about the hourly rate and O/T was sacastic... My grandfather was a union carpenter who is now retired living in Cayman Brac in the Cayman Islands on his retirement. Sounds successful in my eyes. Your right alot of unions harbor shitty workers, i wont argue that. I never said they were great but at this point in time i make good money and it works for me. Whats wrong with that? What i never understood about you non union guys is, if i got a job making the same exact money non union everything would be fine in your eyes. Well i now lots of people who have left the unions and done that and said they actually worked harder on there union jobs than they do on there new non union jobs. You non union guys act like you are the incredible hulk of the working class it is hilarious! ANother thing you dont understand is that hard work IS rewarded by becoming a foreman, supervisor, general foreman etc.. also if you are not a hard worker in my area you would only work maybe 3 months a year. You got the auto workers unions and some others mixed up with the skilled trades unions just like everone else in america that watchs tv. Skilled trades unions aren't in the same boat as most unions.
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Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
I guess your comment about the hourly rate and O/T was sacastic... My grandfather was a union carpenter who is now retired living in Cayman Brac in the Cayman Islands on his retirement. Sounds successful in my eyes. Your right alot of unions harbor shitty workers, i wont argue that. I never said they were great but at this point in time i make good money and it works for me. Whats wrong with that?

your direct quote "People are just jealous they do not make a decent hourly rate and o/t and good insurance that unions offer"

Sounds like someone saying unions are great. If your grandfather was such a great worker imagine what he could he have achieved if he was able to determine his own worth instead of letting a union decide it for him...My point you made a ridiculous statement about a union offering a decent wage when in all actuallity the employer offers a decent wage and benefits, hence why even though you still belong to the union while your layed off your not getting a paycheck.
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