LBZ Tuning????????????


1833 AAV Crew Chief
Jun 9, 2013
Hampden, Maine
Told you I could just use a new username, friends, I lost interest here a long time before the admins dropped the ban hammer. I've got some good friends in the real world, one of them has offered the use of their dyno to me, I'll be back some day under this name or another to post some useful information for the folks that want some tips for cleaning up their tunes. To the UDP guy, thanks, but no thanks. I've got more than an intake tube and an exhaust going on fyi, and I'll keep my duramax thanks, more than capable of wrenching on this beastly motor crammed in a tight spot. I don't see why folks are always crying about the turbo R&R, I had no issues and only pulled one wheel off :thumb:

Cheers to the good folks.

"UrMom"... Where did you ever come up with that name? I see where you are coming from with the whole "I would like a little help here and there with tuning for my LBZ". I myself drive an LLY, and I mess with a couple things but in reality I have no idea what I'm doing with the ECM. I wrote a few TCM tunes for my built trans that have worked out in my favor. I feel like you posting asking for help, telling the guys on here what you have done to the truck is opening you up for any constructive criticism. The majority of guys on here have been in this duramax game since day 1. When they tell you that the LBZ mouthpiece outflows the AFE Bladerunner, it's because it's been proven over and over again. S&B did comparisons on all 3... (Stock LBZ, AFE blade runner, S&B) and it came out with S&B in first, LBZ in second and Blade runner trailing far behind in 3rd. Instead of taking it offensively, learn from it as they want to see you succeed too. So how about you show a little respect for those who have built this industry up to where it is now. Best of luck with your time on the Dyno. :)


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
Told you I could just use a new username, friends, I lost interest here a long time before the admins dropped the ban hammer. I've got some good friends in the real world, one of them has offered the use of their dyno to me, I'll be back some day under this name or another to post some useful information for the folks that want some tips for cleaning up their tunes. To the UDP guy, thanks, but no thanks. I've got more than an intake tube and an exhaust going on fyi, and I'll keep my duramax thanks, more than capable of wrenching on this beastly motor crammed in a tight spot. I don't see why folks are always crying about the turbo R&R, I had no issues and only pulled one wheel off :thumb:

Cheers to the good folks.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
Told you I could just use a new username, friends, I lost interest here a long time before the admins dropped the ban hammer. I've got some good friends in the real world, one of them has offered the use of their dyno to me, I'll be back some day under this name or another to post some useful information for the folks that want some tips for cleaning up their tunes. To the UDP guy, thanks, but no thanks. I've got more than an intake tube and an exhaust going on fyi, and I'll keep my duramax thanks, more than capable of wrenching on this beastly motor crammed in a tight spot. I don't see why folks are always crying about the turbo R&R, I had no issues and only pulled one wheel off :thumb:

Cheers to the good folks.

And goodbye.