Im still alive.!


LBZ for life
Sep 11, 2006
Good to hear buddy. :hug: My 81 year old grandpa found out he had stage IV cancer around the same time you did and he's kicking it's ass right now. He's waiting to hear the results from his last treatment to shrink and then he's going to pull the trigger on a new IH combine since his 76 Massey Ferguson had its last year this fall.


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
PET scan results weren't the greatest. The lymphoma grew resistant to the ABVD chemo I was getting and now is actually worse than it was.

I go into hospital tomorrow to start my first ICE chemo treatment. It's a 3 day inpatient chemo every 3 weeks for 3 cycles. If this chemo puts it into remission they will give me some high powered nasty stuff to make sure it's knocked out. The issue with that stuff is it kills my good bone marrow so I have to do bone marrow transplants after that..not really transplants because it's my cells they will take before the treatment versus someone else's but they still call it the same thing.



New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
Well on my 3rd day in here now about half way through. Came in Monday morning and later that day after a ton of fluids got one of the chemo drugs. Tuesday morning did a lumbar puncture then got started on another chemo drug that has to be infused over 24hrs. They have to wear double gloves and splash shields to dump my piss out of the jugs I have to fill and my rooms listed as a high hazard. They gave me a drug to make me piss a lot and are pumping me full of fluids because of how hard this drug is on my bladder. It'll be done this afternoon then I start the last drug and then have to stay here on fluids till tomorrow morning and then I get to leave. Overall it hasn't been bad so far.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
You're a tough MFer, bro! Hang in there.

I've been shacked up in a hospital for two days because of a scare w/ my 38-wk pregnant wife. Initial diagnosis was blood clot near hip. :eek: and straight on blood thinner. got a dr w/ a few more letters after his name to come check for himself & he called BS, no clot, get off the blood thinners. Go home. So they're watching over her (one leg swelled up suddenly hence why we're here so they're just monitoring it to be sure it doesn't get bigger) one more night & we go w/ direction to take a baby aspirin daily at least until labor. Praise God everything seems ok w/ wife & the baby has checked out perfectly fine.