Im still alive.!


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
You're a tough MFer, bro! Hang in there.

I've been shacked up in a hospital for two days because of a scare w/ my 38-wk pregnant wife. Initial diagnosis was blood clot near hip. :eek: and straight on blood thinner. got a dr w/ a few more letters after his name to come check for himself & he called BS, no clot, get off the blood thinners. Go home. So they're watching over her (one leg swelled up suddenly hence why we're here so they're just monitoring it to be sure it doesn't get bigger) one more night & we go w/ direction to take a baby aspirin daily at least until labor. Praise God everything seems ok w/ wife & the baby has checked out perfectly fine.

Blood clots are no fun. Buddy of mine that I went to school with that is the same age as me and just finished his testicular cancer treatment when I first started my treatment in September, had his cancer relapse and when he was recovering at home he got a blood clot near his heart and turned purple, had to be airlifted but made it. I had a good friend growing up too who had Factor V and she always had to be careful about clots too.

Good luck with her, its not uncommon for a lot of pregnant women to have to go on Lovenox I guess, at least thats what they told me when I was on it;)

Good luck with the kid too and hopefully its smooth sailing.

I'm home now, got some halfway decent news. I'm done with the Lovenox blood thinners which is nice. They just told me about a different blood thinner in pill form that is instant release like Lovenox but also does not last long like Lovenox, which is the main reason they wanted me on it so they could control my blood counts better. The nurse didn't know why it wasn't an option before, its actually cheaper than Lovenox too. Maybe its new, maybe they wanted mo money lol IDK. But I am on other injections now to try and keep my white blood cell counts up.

My Spinal Tap/ Lumbar Puncture came back clean so I don't have to get any chemo that way thank god. Wasn't the most pleasant experience and I did have to laugh when they tilted the table to get my spinal fluid to drain faster.

I have to go in twice per weel now for bloodwork and in two weeks if my counts are good enough they are going to have me go in for my next round versus waiting three weeks if they can.

Thanks guys.

I did at least have a nice view this time, even see then capitol. I was happy it was crappy out when I took this picture. We haven't had any spring really until the day I went into the Hospital so I was happy when the next day I saw overcast a flurries out the window.



Mar 17, 2013
Eastern PA
It was comforting reading this thread, really great group of supporters you have here. I wish you all the best and for a speedy recovery.
I myself am preparing to go down that same road and hope to maintain this same attitude as you have shown here, evrything I have read and been told by folks is the positive attitude. Man you sure did prove that right.:thumb:


Apr 25, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Nothing like going through life with a big invisible C on your forehead, it starts to define you around family and friends not to mention scaring the living shit out you upon diagnosis. You can always see it in another's eyes how much they want to ask "how are you doing" NOW that is a complicated question to answer. I can answer it for me to myself but cannot express it in words to another.

Take care both of you.

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