At least you guys aren't still claiming there is no issue, but there are trucks that are basically stock with the only motor mod being the VVT charger that have the same issue, so to say mine is completely a result of the full build on my truck might not be completely accurate.
Either way, 2 months ago this was all imaginary but after pissing off a few people there seems to be a general consensus that there is an underlying issue with certain ECMs and EFI is at least working towards a resloution.
For that I am thankful.
Dan, you cant back up anything you claim.
We don't have any records for requests for support on the vehicles you claim. So either the issue isn't reported, it's just internet gossip "he said she said" type stuff, no issue exists, or those with issues are not using our software. If you are aware of the issue existing on a number of trucks, I highly suggest that you point them to this thread, and have them document their issues. At the end of the day you can't look into what you don't know about.
When your issue was first raised, we raised those issues with a number of tuners who indicated that they hadn't come across the issue. If you want to call that imaginary go right ahead. We don't write tunes, we don't have direct access to vehicles, we write software. How software is implemented by the tuner will vary the results greatly.
The way you treat people is far from ideal. We pride ourselves on having good relationships with our Tuners and Customers. Our developers will work closely with any customer that has this issue in a timely manner, however you and any tuner you work with will not be afforded that same priority based on your conduct towards others, particularly when you specifically mention Ross at EFILive as the problem. He didn't build your combination, he didn't design the ECM, he didn't write the program that runs the ECM, he doesn't work at GM.
Unbelievable! You cant even thank someone without insulting them, what a dick!
mmmm...what can you say. As far as I'm aware he's not even our customer. He purchased the services of a truck builder who in turn purchased the service of a professional tuner who uses our software. Unhappy with the result, he then purchased the services of other professional tuners who also use our software.