Very impressive company.:thumb: Bet they run Bullydog tunes.:secret:
I'll pass on this.
bein the first ones to crack the ecm= impressive
59 hp tune= not so impressive
the shouldve waited untill the tweaked the numbers up a bit untill they released dyno numbers but hey, better than i couldve done:thumb:
Are you guys actually retrieving the data out of the ECM, or did you get a stock tune off of GM's update website and modify that?You guys may not think 60hp and 160lb/ft of torque is much.... but every truck has to start somewhere :woott:. There is no "500 hp" switch in the ECU we can just flip to make power. We are talking thousands of hours of research to reverse engineer the internal processes. As soon as someone else out there pulls off what we have done, I'll be the first to acknowledge their accomplishment. Until then, I take pride in what our company has done to trail blaze for the others to follow.
Are you guys actually retrieving the data out of the ECM, or did you get a stock tune off of GM's update website and modify that?