Info: DPC 2012: Update Thread


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
This is an all out competition/race.
In any professional race or comp. that I've been my crew has pretty much had 2 of everything. As long as you make it to the next comp. it's fare game. The diesel community has been some of the most helpful peeps.
Anyways... Just like professional racers, most of them tare down after x amount of passes or each pass. Demitri did not want the same mishap as last year, which we also had. Demitri is protecting an investment is the way it should be seen.

I agree, and I, nor anyone from my crew said otherwise. I had my own transmission out friday before driving here to rebuild it. It was my own stupid driving that forced me to do so. If I had let it go, since it only had 5 passes and 1000 street miles (almost new right?) I would've been toast here.


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
Were you watching from outside? It's funny that you say that it looked like a taco. This is the picture of the bearing from that trans.
Another funny thing was when demitri punked you in the lobby in front a few of us, which was hilarious, hahaha!!!

Anyways here is the pic of the "taco" bearing after it came out of the tranny

As I stated last night to you guys, you don't know who we are, where we come from, or what we do. We both (me and Ben) offered our assistance at different times yesterday....both times we were looked at like we were beggars on the sidewalk. you guys made impressive dyno numbers, congrats, honestly. this is a professional event, act as such. I posted "fact" as it was when I left the building yesterday, even the published photos show the new trans I was speaking of sitting right in front of you guys. No need to get all defensive off the bat. just correct me if I am wrong. I wont bitch or whine about it if it has merit.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Fall River
Ok everyone, Tim posted what he saw, a new trans being rolled next to the truck. Maybe it came a cross as a strong assumption but I would think you replaced the trans also not just brought it a buddy to discuss how it felt about that last boot in its ass. No need to get so defensive, Tim can take a correction well and with class. Ben if it looked like a taco why wait until now to say something? Unless you were snubbed by the new dyno hero's which I can see then I'd keep to myself and start the timer also.when I went a guy blew a headgasket, and my buddies and I stopped racing, opened my tailgate and tools and said what can we do to help you get back in to the challenge ASAP. It's competition, without it we'd all have an edge box stacked with a diablo sport tuner. Everyone respect each other and your accomplishments. If I drove almost 2000 miles and lost a fixable part on the first day and was told sorry you can't fix that I'd flip the place upside down! Yeah it would be nice for all the trucks to just go and not break but that is not reality. Trucks break before new standards are set. If I had made it I wasn't going to push to my trucks breaking point. But your damn right I someone else did I'd be just as deep as them helping get it fixed. Make new friends and contacts and enjoy your time out there


Plow Truck
Nov 21, 2008
Tiverton Rhode Island
Ok everyone, Tim posted what he saw, a new trans being rolled next to the truck. Maybe it came a cross as a strong assumption but I would think you replaced the trans also not just brought it a buddy to discuss how it felt about that last boot in its ass. No need to get so defensive, Tim can take a correction well and with class. Ben if it looked like a taco why wait until now to say something? Unless you were snubbed by the new dyno hero's which I can see then I'd keep to myself and start the timer also.when I went a guy blew a headgasket, and my buddies and I stopped racing, opened my tailgate and tools and said what can we do to help you get back in to the challenge ASAP. It's competition, without it we'd all have an edge box stacked with a diablo sport tuner. Everyone respect each other and your accomplishments. If I drove almost 2000 miles and lost a fixable part on the first day and was told sorry you can't fix that I'd flip the place upside down! Yeah it would be nice for all the trucks to just go and not break but that is not reality. Trucks break before new standards are set. If I had made it I wasn't going to push to my trucks breaking point. But your damn right I someone else did I'd be just as deep as them helping get it fixed. Make new friends and contacts and enjoy your time out there



<- wish i was there
Sep 18, 2008
Congrats guys. Impressive numbers indeed.:thumb::thumb:

Remember these posts are here forever so be easy, just either hug or punch each other in the eye so you can end this crap. Better yet win so the other person will have to congratulate you.


'Can do' kind of guy
Apr 8, 2007
we are all entitled to our opinions and i put mine out there, like it or not :)

now keep all the he said she said to a minimum and if desired i will open another thread titled "measuring contest" that we can all go to and settle this once and for all.


< The Man Cave
Jul 14, 2010
Clearville, Pa
Can't we all just get along? :hug: :roflmao: Keep it together guys, and show them fords and dodges what the all mighty dmax is about!! :D Best of luck!!!!


Finally underway !!!!!
Jul 7, 2008
slc tuah
I have had a ever growing list of stuff I would take if i ever went to the DPC , never thought a "switch blade" and "neutral gang colors" would be needed :roflmao:

Congrats to all the GM guys , way to represent !


Dmax Nut
Oct 23, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Aren't we all on the same team here? If I was there I honestly wouldn't care who you were, I'd lend a helping hand. At most diesel events that's usually the commraderie I see. Good luck to all and Team Duramax, do whatever it takes to win!:thumb:



New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
I hate to stir the piss pot but let me get all of this straight. Doesn't make much sense.

Tim says Dmitri is replacing trans.
Dmitri says they took it apart to look at it and implies the same transmission went back in.
Many others state it was a different transmission that went back in.

heres the part I really dont get. Who the heck takes pictures of their bearings? Unless Ben said something to you at the event or prior to anything on this forum, why would you have a picture of that bearing that is supposedly in the truck currently? Unless it was replaced, but dmitri said it was reused. So that leaves a couple possibilities.

Ben or Tim mentioned their concern on the bearing at the event and were blown off, but the thought stuck in jeremy/dmitri minds and they looked at it and photographed it for later debate?

A different transmission was put in the truck and the bearing out of the old transmission was photgraphed after the concern about it was brought up on here. (about a 3hr time difference between posts)

Or they just found a bearing laying in the shop and took a picture of that.

Or the one I really don't believe, they just take pictures of their bearings. I guess to each their own, but in a 4hr period as stated, I wouldnt think you would have time to take pictures of every piece.

I notice some others on here seeming to think Tim/Ben didn't offer help. They claim to have offered and were blown off. The other team never claimed they didnt recieve an offer for help. I know everybody is different in person and I can't say I could make a judgement on any of these people involved. I do know however that Dmitri seemed pretty hostile on that post considering he was responding to calm non-demeaning posts from Tim. Could be an ego issue, its hard being #1. Maybe Tim/Ben are full of hot air. I know we are all just the outsiders and there is much more going on between them in person.

Again, sorry for adding some heat to the dick swinging contest, but I tend to enjoy the humor of drama, especially when one party is very dramatic while the other remains cool. I love watching people just blow up like a bomb and start saying things that don't add up.

Think we could have the DPC Challenge Video and the DPC Drama Video? Maybe MTV would air it. Real World:DPC. "My dad could beat up your dad", "Robert better not get in my face, cause i'll drop that m*f'er".

Impressive numbers though at the end of it all. look forward to the outcome, hopefully everybody returns with only minor bumps and bruises and doesn't have to return to colorado for a later court date.:thumb:


May 1, 2011
Anyone want to go with me to CBS and pich my new reality show idea to them?
Its called Real Duramax owners of the DDForum. :roflmao::roflmao:
You know you would watch it.:rofl:

But for real alot of hard work and late nights I bet to get that stuff up there let alone have it hold together and im sure tentions are extremely high so it does not take much to get people upset.
So to quote sikdiesel off another forum
Everyone needs to stop being on edge and laugh and smile every now and then.

So go team Dmax and lets sweep it.


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Not because I'm partial, BUT,

This challenge is supposed to be with a truck that can compete the entire competition without breaking.... When you tear down a motor or a trans or replace a head gasket because you puke one after ever event that kind of defeats the purpose IMO. Its cool when a truck can do these things day in and day out and still remain daily driven without grenading a trans or puking a head gasket.

I was wondering about this myself.
Part of me thinks if a component can't take it or if every run you are swapping out a engine/tranny (then that's a little too much, can't afford to do that in real life), but that being said ALL componenents have a life span. Do you penalize a guy who runs 100 passes at the drag strip, 200 sled pulls, 100 dyno runs, tows a trailer daily and then gets to the DPC and a component lets go just because of wear and tear (didn't Matt Gainer lose a hub which some could argue cost him the DPC?). If he got it fixed it would have been interesting.

In most forms of motorsports, if your rig breaks and you can fix it before the next run, you're good to go. I've seen truck pullers pop a boot, break locking hubs, etc during their run and have it fixed before the pull-off and run again. Even NASCAR lets you fix things in pit stops and if you can do it under caution and not lose much ground you are good to go (and guys have even won after).

Fixing things is part of motorsports (it sounds like Tim had an issue with his nitrous system but was able to work on it after the dyno). Things wear, and things break, I do agree though that if guys are replacing a transmission or engine after every event if one has deep enough pockets (and this has nothing to do with what's been said in this thread) than that is excessive.

The hard part is coming up with a "rule" as to what is excessive and what's not.

As to the other "stuff" in this thread, I don't know Dimitri but I can honestly say I'm impressed with his (and his friends) accomplishments, but I do know Tim and he would not "make up things", he stated what he saw and drew a conclusion. If his conclusion was wrong just let him know, he is a smart guy. You getting defensive does not look good and quite honestly the way the light reflects off the rollers on that bearing, it could be an optical allusion or the way the shop lighting is, but it looks like it has a "wave" to it....definitely no taco though. Before I read what was being said/inferred I opened this thread up and saw the pic, I looked at it, saw what looked like a wave and thought someone was posting a pic of it because it had failed.

If it's fine, then I was wrong and willing to admit it, just like Tim but it would seem a logical conclusion just based on a quick visual (which can be misleading). I know it's a competition and tensions are high, but I guarantee Tim would help anyone there and would not intentionally start rumors.

Good luck to you both.