Did you all know this?


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Copied over from DP concerning Jeromy Green (05lly2500hd):

On 9/22 Jeromy was in a really bad car accident. He was out riding around with a friend, he was the passenger, when the cars left front tire blew out. They went into the ditch jumped a culbert when they came down the car hit nose first causing the car to flip and hit a tree. The driver was thrown for the car but is doing great. Jeromy was not thrown and is in very bad shape. He had a decompressed skull fracture, collapsed left lung, and a broken/dislocated jaw. The have fixed the skull fracture and are not worrying about the other stuff at this moment. Right now they are trying to get the pressure around his brain to stabilize. Today when the Dr came in to assess Jeromy his pupils were none reactive to light and when they rubbed his sternum he did not react. We are hoping that this is due to the pressure on his brain. The Dr wants to wait a few days to allow some of the swelling to go down before doing an EEG to check his brain activity. If you would please say a prayer for him. I'll update tomorrow after we see the Dr again.

I know he's a vendor here, but wasnt sure if his wife (gf?) knew about that.


800+HP Build!!
Apr 6, 2009
Auburn Hills, MI
Wow...I'll be sending some prayers his way! Not good!

As a glimmer of hope...my cousing was in a bad accident a little over a year ago and had about the same sort of injury to his head. It was touch and go for a few days but he pulled through and made a complete recovery (minus blindness in his left eye due to the crushed eye socket and nerve damage).

Although health care takes a pounding lately, there is some really advanced stuff in the medical fields now when it comes to traumatic brain injuries.

Gods Speed Jeromy!


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
Copied over from DP concerning Jeromy Green (05lly2500hd):

I know he's a vendor here, but wasnt sure if his wife (gf?) knew about that.

Man it looks like he was on here n=before it happened at one point in the night.

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD id=username_box vAlign=top width="100%">05lly2500hd

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<!-- current activity -->Last Activity: 09-22-2010 08:23 PM

Big Angry

<--My idea of a good time
Sep 3, 2006
South Central Pa
Wow. I'm sorry to hear this. Jeromy lost his little brother to an accident a few years ago, and with all the stuff going on with his ex and his kids, I can't imagine facing this. I hope he hangs in there. Jeesh.
C'mon Jeromy, we're pulling for you.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
She updated whats going on,

Just a quick update Jeromy just had to have another surgery today. They removed part of his skull to allow his brain to swell. This is our last hope at keeping him here with us. Please keep praying for him. As some of you already know he lost his brother Brody 3yrs ago. Jeromy and his family have been through alot and we're all praying that we don't have to lose him.

I remember that Brody thread from over at the DP. :( Why is it some families have to endure this kind of pain?
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May 4, 2008
Prayers sent...I remember the Brody thread as well and I hope he pulls through. First his brother, then this family situation, and now this.