Quoted from Gale,
"As to Vibration dampers with neutral balance, we designed a 2 piece assembly that allows us to drive accessories, like a dry sump or blower drive off the front. We make 2 different size inertial rings and tune each differently as to viscosity and clearance to tune to stroke length, bob weight mass and maximum rpm. The inertial ring assemblies bolt to our drive hubs which are zero counterweight or are matched to the various standard Dmax counterweight masses. We own Automotive Balancing Service, started in 1953, it is the first and the oldest automotive balancing shop in the United States. Today, we use the shop only for development and our own internal engine production needs, but we know balancing! We therefor know that the position of the counterweight is incorrect in most of the hot rod Dmax balancers being sold today, that leads to crank failure. We measure crank twist front to rear with the engine running at a wide spectrum of speeds and loads…we don’t guess at this. I seek a maximum of +/- 1/8 degree crank twist
We have made very high output with properly inspected stock cranks and proper attention to the damper design."