The oil line from down by the filter makes sense. The fittings will work down there anyways. Still not sure about that 90° elbow on the oil inlet of the turbo... I thought that it screwed right into the center piece of the turbo. I actually first thought that there should be some sort of mating flange piece that bolts down there with two bolts because it is a machined surface obviously for a gasket. But then I noticed that the threaded hole was tapered pipe thread...
Anyways, thank you all for the support. I'm actually back at work for two weeks long ways away from the truck but I think my bro is working on it a bit and I relayed the info to him. I think it will all come together now.
Only thing he noticed when I talked to him just a few minutes ago is that the turbo doesn't seem like it sits flat down on the the three bolted mounting faces... is it required to use a spacer or can it bolt in the factory position with no spacer?
As for the size and stainless... I roughly measured the compressor at 2.6x... does that make sense? I didn't have a metric rule near me when I did it haha.
And... I requested the stainless housing, and thought I paid for it. but as I originally asked, what kind of stainless is used to create the turbine housing? Because on the turbo I received, the compressor housing is aluminum, and the turbine housing is steel. Now it appears to be carbon steel, and it is magnetic, but they might have used a ferretic stainless like a 400 series to make the housing so I dunno. Thats why I asked because 400 stainless is still magnetic. It would have slightly better high temp properties, but not like 300 or another high nickel/chrome would have.