It's cuz I drove it.
damn lb7's..........gabage i tell ya
Well got 1500 miles on this oil change with jsut regular 15w-40 and done quite a few WOT runs when shes dead cold.
Smoke has stopped at first start up and rolling into it leaving the house. there may only be a light haze but i cant see it if there is. all i know is its getting better. Not to metion the smell of burning oil is not near as potent in the mornings.
Sooooo happy!! seems the rings are finally sealing up! Gunna check oil level tonight
Pshhhh you're just jealous that you don't have one! This thread is proof that there's never anything wrong with an LB7 that a little hotrodding won't fix:thumb: I think when it bent a rod before the build if you'd have just taken it out and dogged the hell out of it then it would have fixed itself! :roflmao:
Lmao! Damn i should have tried that!