Been pulled over twice in 2 weeks, what is going on!!!


Diesel newbie
Feb 25, 2009
The cop told me it was a fine and 2 points!!!!!!

I'll pay the stupid ticket. I'm 35 and just last year got carved up like a turkey at thanksgiving by the dermotologist for spots on my skin that 'arent cancer yet'?!?!?!?

Yea, i'll pay the fine for a little less sun beating down on me

If I were you I'd get the doctor to write you something up you could keep in your glovebox stating that you have to have the tint for medical purposes. That way the next time they pull you over for tint they won't be able to bother you.


Father of the Van
Dec 4, 2008
Must be a Feb thing. Got stopped AGAIN in MI for my front windows being 20%.

Nope, didnt take it off after the last 'warning'.

After last year, I talked to the saftey dept for the co I pull for. I told them I thought you said I could run 20% on my front windows? Saftey said I could, because when I'm working I'm running under Federal authority and that over rules state authority.

Saw the cop today about 2 miles up the road, sitting in the median clocking people, but he had all his lights flashing:confused:.
Made sure I was doing exactly the speed limit when I passed him, and he pulled out anyway.
He told me why he pulled me over and said he was giving me a 'warning' didnt write anything up tho.
He didnt ask what I was doing and I didnt argue the federal authority thing with him:thumb:


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
:rofl: Good deal!

I had a close one here a few weeks ago...

I was workin on a 328i for somthing i cant remember, and everytime id go to start it to take a test drive, it throw a misfire code and not start:mad: I cleared it and go to leave...DID it AGAIN :banghead: So after 3 rounds of draging the computer over blah,blah,blah its shanagains had me steamed a bit, so i leave the shop (one way street) looked up the street and pulled out and hammered it for a sec or two, no tire spin or anything just rapid acceleration, prolly only 5mph over the limit and slowed down, but low and behold, cherry top down a few blocks parked clocking people! Dammit! I was sure he caught that!, and if i roll by, he'll nail me for sure:mad: So quick thinking i signaled a right turn and went down a side street:D and didnt see him following, so finished my test drive and coming back to the shop, pull round the corner, there he is waiting and starts rolling towards me (no lights or anything):eek: so i whip it into our driveway click our shop door, pull in and close it! I look back and just see him roll by as the door closes!

Well, game over buddy! I win! Never saw him again :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Nice to chalk one up for me, but im watchin my @ss, surely he wants revenge:spit:
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Grumpy, old, farty, funny
Jan 14, 2010

They need to meet the quota for end of month. Plus if they like your truck they will pull you over just to look. Cops are gearheads too.


Dec 16, 2008
Salt Lake City, UT
well i got ANOTHER seat belt ticket, and i did't pay it, i lost the courticy notice. So i tried to pay it on line and could't , called and sat on hold FOREVER and thenfinnaly got it remailed to me with an extra$300 on tiop of the $142 for not appearing in court. So i went and stood in front of the judje and told him i tried to pay it over the phone, internet, and mail, and i had no way of doing so with the great system they have running in the clerk department. After standing up and arguing with him in front of a court room full of people, he knocked it down to $104 out the door:D

should have been a lawyer, and NO i am still NEVER going to wear that fing seatbelt:thumb:


<--It's whats for dinner!
Aug 3, 2009
Last week I got pulled over 2x in 4 hours. Both times for out of date inspection sticker. Gotta love NY...first cop wrote me up for the inspection. When the 2nd cop pulled me over I showed him the ticket from the 1st cop and he wrote me up for having "no light on my plate" it was dark by then.

NY is trying to close the budget gap one ticket at a time.


<--Tree Hugger
Oct 31, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
12 tickets a day is what the Nevada HP are supposed to write. They say its not a "quota" because they technically aren't allowed to have a ticket quota lol. riiight..
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Im a Garrett Nut Swinger
May 11, 2008
Bis ND
PEOPLE!!!!!tinted windows are meant to buy you time to put your seat bealt on......well thats what i do ....i have limo tint all the way around


'Can do' kind of guy
Apr 8, 2007
put some more go fast stuff on and went to merge on the highway 45seconds from my house..... not even merged into traffic (real traffic going 30-35) and i'm already getting pulled over lol....

-exhaust is too loud
-smokes too much
-no front plate
-too heavy for a limited access highway

'she' (cop) missed window tints and no seat belt, i dropped the windows and put on my belt while she was looking at her computer screen and running my plate

told her the truck was going into the shop later this week to get the smoking problem looked in to and the exhaust fixed..... i then went home turned the lift pump up a little more and added a new exhaust tip. see i'm true to my word hahahahaha

i got the have a nice day mr fireman and be careful merging back into traffic. :thumb:
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dyno and drag numberssoon
Dec 26, 2009
ok in my area there a tunnel bridge well all my buddy r with me we got like 6 diesels going thru this thing all at once we all punch it yea im last in line guess who get popped this guy hell cummins r way louder then our trucks and i get poped ok now the fines ]
came to a total of 270 bucks speeding, smog he called it black smoke we filled that tunnel to the max coal rollin out both sides, noise law no seat belt and no front plate thanks brewster cops f them :(


Dec 16, 2008
Salt Lake City, UT
yea i have'nt got a seatbelt ticket in my new truck yet with the limo tint, but i get used to it and when i drive something else i still don't wear it , but i forget i can be seen now:eek:

sounds like you NY guys are getten hit hard out there with fines, i am sure it will get nasty out here soon as well:mad:


Hows Your Dangle?
Feb 9, 2009
South Berwick, ME
2 weeks ago driving down a road a mile from my house that is in the middle of nowhere it might as well be a wagon trail with the bumps, its only 25mph i was going 42 passed the cop and saw him hammer the brakes. I pulled over immediatly and got all my info out he was pretty cool asked me why i was getting pulled over told him exactly how fast i was going he said no worries just a verbal warning reminds me how expensive tickets are and then....he noticed my gauges. we BS'd on the side of the road for 20 minutes about what is done with the truck and everything he gave me his cell number and wants to go for a ride out of our town haha. pretty cool guy i have noticed most cops around have calmed down for busting us on little picky stuff that isnt harmful to others.


Dec 16, 2008
Salt Lake City, UT
:mad:well i spoke to fing soon, got pulled over in San Diego today for window tint, so as he was walking up up to my truck i throw on my seatbelt (blindly, and never will wear while driving:thumb:) and role my window down and say " what did i do???????" , he smiles and says i cant tint front windows, then starts asking questions about the size, guages, tires, ect, and saying how cool of a truck it it. So i am thinken i am off and outa here..........nope fix it ticket, if i cant get a cop to sign it the way it is i am just gona have to pay it, cause i am not removing my windows to just re-tint to pay his damb salary.:mad::mad::mad:

oh yea, i did't have my drivers license on me either, he was real pleased.
i have to trade it in to get marina keys for the day when i am at custamers slips and just wing it while running for parts, guess my braggen about never being pulled over in my new truck the other day bit me in the ass


Father of the Van
Dec 4, 2008
Theres a cop I know here that said he will sign off on any tint or loud exhaust ticket because they are stupid tickets:thumb:
Havent had to take him up on it yet


New member
Jan 1, 2010
Washington, Mi
Theres a cop I know here that said he will sign off on any tint or loud exhaust ticket because they are stupid tickets:thumb:
Havent had to take him up on it yet

Show me the way cause I've had 3 since last summer. They actually don't let me do the fix it thing anymore, just tell me there waiving the fix it part and say pay the fine. Last tint ticket a cop also tried throwing a careless driving at me because they don't salt parking lots around here and my trucks rear went out while turning into a parking spot. I hate living in a college town!