Billet cranks of completely stock configuration break but the question is the narrowed rod journal versions... Time will tell but I can tell you right now that my favorite billet crank so far is the Bryant because it has the thickest throws which is what we need the most. The best combo overall would be the Bryant with L5P rod journal size! I can tell you the next time my crank breaks I will not be putting a stock one back in period!
That's right, I'm speaking about the narrowed journal versions. I understand that narrowing the journal allows a larger corner fillet to be used which increases crosssection in the area prone to breaking (correct?). But you've now reduced crossection on the journal itself alongside reducing surface area for bearing wear (correct?) so that is why I have reservations about them in a DD. That's just my humble opinion.
I just know 5k is a lot for the average joe to spend on a crank.
Now the l5p has larger journals so it's a completely different animal. You have increased wear surfaces, increased cross section, increased mass for dampening. I wonder how much these will cost, and if it even possible to retro fit one in an older block, I doubt it but will be interesting as things fold out for us!
Mark, that's the first I've heard on the Bryant crank.