Allison lockup/unlock controller!!!! (NOW SHIPPING!)


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Sorry guys I have been super busy with projects here at the shop...I havent been on in a couple days.

I totally newberfied myself on my trucks 'broken' TCM. Tony was nice enough to help me out with getting a TCM so I could drive my truck again, thanks again Tony! :D Well me and HeepJeep drove to Tony's house (about an hour) and got the TCM. Came back, put it in my truck, still no PRND321 display and obviously the trans was still in hydraulic default. WTF. All the fuses were good in the UBEC....Im thinking why the hell does it seem like the tcm not getting power....but then it suddenly occured to me; I remembered that the The TCM is on the IGN 0 circuit.....not the main IGN1 circuit.

IGN 0 is hot in accy/run/start. IGN 1 is only hot in run/start

I dont know if you guys have noticed, but when you turn the key to "accessory", basically the only thing that turns on in the whole truck is the PRND321 display and the radio. I dont know why GM thinks the TCM needs to be powered up in 'accessory'...the ECM and everything else doesnt power up until the key is in "RUN/ON"...but thats the way it is.

you can see where this is going. Theres a single IGN 0 fuse (because basically the TCM is the only thing on the "IGN 0" circuit) in the interior fuse box hidden behind/above one of the relays, it was blown of course. I should have guessed that my mis-wired crap didnt actually fry the TCM and that it was probably something simple; all electronic modules in automobile applications are incredibly robust and basically all the inputs/outputs on all modules are protected against short-to-ground and short-to-voltage wiring conditions......seeing as how easy it is to get a bad connection/short circuit in automobile wiring, it only makes sense to build fault-protction into the computers....

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Sideways > Straight ;)
Aug 24, 2009
609 New Jersey
Also, might I suggest instead of all that button stuff why not a 3 postion toggle switch like the kind for pickup selection on Gibsons :D it would seem that would make thinks way less complicated in the handleing department. Up for lock, down for unlock, center for auto


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Also, might I suggest instead of all that button stuff why not a 3 postion toggle switch like the kind for pickup selection on Gibsons :D it would seem that would make thinks way less complicated in the handleing department. Up for lock, down for unlock, center for auto

having a manual toggle switch that stays in one position isnt really feasible, the main reason being safety. Obviously with the converter locked you are NOT going to be able to stop.

I would never sell a switch that locks the converter but doesnt tie into the brake pedal circuit for automatic unlock as soon as you hit the brakes. Even if you tied into the brake pedal circuit for "safety override/unlock", that toggle switch is still going to stay in the same position that you last left as soon as you let off the brakes the converter would instantly re-lock again (if you forgot to flip the toggle switch back to "auto" or "unlocked" before releasing the brake pedal).

The way I have it configured now sounds complicated/clumsy, but trust me, if you can work the 'combo' tow-haul/overdrive-lockout button on your 03-05 duramax you can easily work this switch in your sleep. Hopefully towards the end of this week we are going to install it in dmaxfireman's truck and go from there....I suddenly became really busy at the shop here but I am putting every free minute into getting these switches ready for shipping...



<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Tony are you talking about using the DSP output? I experimented with that but at least on the LLY's there are some glitches with it. Several people have tried and just couldnt get it to work, like the DSP staging feature just doesnt work. Im almost positive I remember EFILive confirming this.


The Still Master
Tony are you talking about using the DSP output? I experimented with that but at least on the LLY's there are some glitches with it. Several people have tried and just couldnt get it to work, like the DSP staging feature just doesnt work. Im almost positive I remember EFILive confirming this.

On all of my LB7 trucks is works flawlessly.



<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
LLY's have issues with the DSP output, as well as the DSP staging feature. A while back I think cindy confirmed this, but stated that Ross probably will not revisit it due to the small amount of people who even used it.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Is the box the same on the 6 speed as the 5 speed? Do they have the same PWM duty cycle?


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
sorry guys, Im waiting to get the printed circuit boards back from manufacturing. I was going to make every board by hand but thats messy, requires more wiring, more connections/points of potential failure etc...

I designed/drew up my own PCB in CAD so everything can be integrated onto one circuit board, and then I sent it to a company to do the silk screening/etching.

I will keep everyone updated towards the end of the week when the boards arrive.
