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  1. G

    Tech 2

    HI All, just figured I would update you all on the Tech2. Bought a Chinese unit from, they sent it via ems freight took 5 days, Complete unit, 1 x GM PCMCIA card updated to 2013 - support trucks 1 x Tech 2 1 x VCI 1 x Candi 1 x RS232 1 x RS485 1 x Main connection lead 1 x...
  2. G

    LMM: 1000rwhp duramax build.

    Like you will need that much HP to drive down the pub...:D Sounds awesome, I will be interested to see what you need to do. Feel an upgrade coming on..
  3. G

    Battery over Charge

    Ok, that's the second time you have told me the ECM doesn't change the field voltage to the regulator. Thanks for reminding me of that I was getting lost in the Suppliers info and not thinking logically about it. The Supplier of the Bosch regulator I bought, (which is the same model alternator...
  4. G

    Battery over Charge

    OK, can it be changed with an MDI and the software, if so what area should I be looking for?
  5. G

    Battery over Charge

    Hi, Thinking about it, I don't have a battery temp sensors will this be an issue? not sure if its meant to have one or not but I dont. Also whats the chances there are two versions of ECU or flash one for cold climates ie 15vdc is suitable and one for hot climates where 13.8 is all you want to...
  6. G

    Battery over Charge

    HI All, Back on this problem again, I bought a 13.8vdc reg from a place in the States. replaced the reg i the Alternator. Same thing 15Vdc output yet again. Spoke to the Alternator guy in the states and he says that reg / alternator voltage is determined by the PCM (assume he means ECM in DMAX)...
  7. G

    Dual ODB2 ports

    Thanks for the help.
  8. G

    Dual ODB2 ports

    HI, I want to install a second ODB2 port. Can anyone tell me if it is as simple as connecting the wiring to the existing (splicing it in) ?? I have an edge unit with the 5 tunes, and I want to go and use a Digital dash board doing away with the factory one. Using some thing Like Shadow Dash MS...
  9. G

    Tech 2

    $350 to $400 for a chinese unit, 500 -600 on flea bay
  10. G

    Tech 2

    where did you buy it from Nate??
  11. G

    Tech 2

    thanks guys, any links on where you bought them from? I did a look at, but there are about 90 diffrent retailers on there. Thanks in advance Ghosty
  12. G

    Cruise control

    Hi , yep tried stock tune, no change. Figured there must be some where in the ECM that the cruise respose is sett probably three values to change I am thinking.
  13. G

    Cruise control

    Can any one tell me the codes and in which module i need to look to tame the cruise control. Mine is very aggressive, using max acceleration to achieve even the setpoint even if its only a couple of k's off when pressing resume. Its so aggressive, I don't use it unless the road is almost dead...
  14. G

    Tech 2

    Has anyone purchased a tech 2 knock off and found it to be fine? You hear plenty of horror stories, but some times I think this can be partly based on truth and some time scare tactics. If you can recommend a link that you have used, let me know please. Thanks from down under..:thumb:
  15. G

    Battery over Charge

    I can understand an alternator charging at a high rate for a short duration due to load etc. But it is not sustainable if you want your batteries to last. At 14.4 Volts batteries start gassing, there are some exceptions to the rule such as Optima. But most lead acid starting batteries start...
  16. G

    Battery over Charge

    thanks terminator for clearing that up about the ecm / field on off. will have to have a look at the regulator.
  17. G

    Duramax conversion

    I got the Allison in the Patrol, not sure what your reasons for wanting a manual are?. I was a manual person especially for towing, but with the correct engine tune the Auto is just as good if not some what better in my opinion. I have always been an engine breaking person when towing, I have...
  18. G

    Battery over Charge

    Thanks for the reply, the alternator is brand new, on my vehicle the alternator field is set by the ECM, not self regulated. I think its core 38 (maybe 32) on the ECM harness. At least this is what I believe to be the case, the electrical drawings I have support this as well. So I suspect...
  19. G

    Battery over Charge

    Hi All, I have just picked up my new truck complete with, brand new LMM 2010 and Edge CTS unit. COmplete my first journey the yesterday with a major issue. I have an alternator that is over charging my batteries and causing them to vent massively and die. I have just completed a 4000km +...
  20. G

    Shifter wont allow manual mode

    HI, I am converting a Nissan Patrol to have a 6.6/Allison 1000 6spd from a GMC LMM 2010 2500HD, and have an issue with the shifter. The stock Nissan shifter only has P-R-N-D, then shifts to the left for + and - I have been told this wont work as the shifter linkage must go past D to enable the...