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  1. 05' Ditry Duramax

    lbz on racing junk

    Yeah he is. He'll be sitting on these for awhile.
  2. 05' Ditry Duramax

    1st Annual BD Diesel Performance- Truckin Nationals

    They also enforce the crank height rule very hard. I've known a few guys to get turned away at tech for being too high.
  3. 05' Ditry Duramax

    1st Annual BD Diesel Performance- Truckin Nationals

    I should be up there for it. I'm trying to have the trans built by then. I'm gonna shot somebody if it's NOT done:(
  4. 05' Ditry Duramax

    how long do i need to idle

    I'm sure most of us don't want to ever see the effects of NOT letting the EGT's come down before we shut the truck off. I know i'm kinda speaking "in general". I don't want to replace a turbo if there are things I could have done to possibly "save" it. Knowing or not, I think it's a really good...
  5. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Need a track!!!

    Pinks all out is a good time. We took 4 cars to the one here in Seattle. My buddy made the final 32 so it was cool to see that. He lost though, his nerves got to him.
  6. 05' Ditry Duramax

    added moonroof and all terains

    Damn , I need one...........BUT only after the trans get's built. Gotta SAVE SAVE SAVE!!
  7. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Suspension lift preferences

    Just to add to that When you "load" the tortion bars they don't ride ride stiffer. That's why they are called tortion bars. You can crank the bars so far up that you have cut bumpstops off because you haven't left the arm any drop actually hitting the bumpstop and...
  8. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Filter Wrench Recommendations

    I have a filter cup set from Mac tools. Works really well but sometimes it can be a real PITA to get the cup off the filter. I also have a nylon strap type that use if I can't get the cup type to work(fuel filter). It has spots for 3/8 or 1/2 inch drive wratchets. I like the strap because you...
  9. 05' Ditry Duramax

    It finally happened!!

    Yep, get ready for a build. Mine does the same thing right now. Pretty frustating if you ask me.
  10. 05' Ditry Duramax

    added moonroof and all terains

    That's the only option I wanted on my truck when I bought it........moonroof BUT I didn't get it. I've never looked at an aftermarket one. Is it pretty close to factory?
  11. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Suspension lift preferences

    I've had several Pro Comp lift's and had good luck. It's a bracket type of lift that is truly a 6" kit. Knuckle lifts will give you better geometry for steering and CV angles. Just becasue it's a knuckle lift doesn't mean your not going wear out parst faster. It doesn't matter what type of lift...
  12. 05' Ditry Duramax

    loud chirping in 06 duramax

    You can buy a stethascope sp? from just about any auto parts store. I would start the truck and listen to all the bearings in anything that spins (with bearings, not the balancer and such). You will hear the bearings grind or chirp even at an idle. I would change the belt anyway, at 108K...
  13. 05' Ditry Duramax

    How not to do a burnout

    There is a crap ton of those Mustang vids from Mustang Week. I can watch those idiots all day. It's always the same thing, they come around the corner, get on it, loose control and hit another car going the oposite way. Maybe they should give a "how to control your Kenny Bell" class during that...
  14. 05' Ditry Duramax

    how long do i need to idle

    I let it idle down to 300-400 before I shut it down. I also let it idle for alittle longer if I was beating on it. If i'm on a trip and stop for fuel or to stretch, i'll leave it running. I have a remote starter that alows me to keep the engine running and remove the key from the ignition...
  15. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Donuts anyone????

    I need a non-lifted truck with some power:rofl: Nothing I own right now will do donuts. Probably for the best. My driving record isn't in the best shape either. Keep em' coming though!!! I love a good show!!!
  16. 05' Ditry Duramax

    How not to do a burnout

    wow....... I got nothing
  17. 05' Ditry Duramax

    new rockstars

    That does look BA!!! I need a boat now....
  18. 05' Ditry Duramax

    well i finally pulled something with the built trans

    Ah, I miss the "truck sleding". We always used an old hood but we did cut the roof off a van once. The van roof worked GREAT!! On a side note: I can't wait to get my trans built:cool:
  19. 05' Ditry Duramax

    bad ball joint????

    I'm replacing the driverside upper ball joint in the morning. I hate doing it but I can't SAS it yet. I REALLY wish I could just stuff a Dana 60 under the front and call it good. All in due time though.
  20. 05' Ditry Duramax

    bad ball joint????

    Most of the times i've found that a bad ball joint will want to "dart" when the crown in the road changes. You have to correct the steering wheel the opposite way the joint "flops". You would think you have worn tie rod but it will end being a bad ball joint. Worst way to explain this but I...