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  1. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    I don't buy into conspiracy theory easily. Last one that sparked my interest was the second shooter on the grassy knoll theory. But the evidence to date just doesn't support it. However once again we find ourselves consumed with conflicting information thats being hurled at us on this new topic...
  2. kidturbo

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    Heading over to Dayton OH area later in the week to attend a little gathering of hot boat nuts. Gonna be close to the Dmax plant, thinking I might stop by with it for show and tell. However lost all my contacts in there who hit me up years back about bringing the original Dmax boat by for...
  3. kidturbo

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    Logged another 40 miles last weekend, and camped out on it overnight to make sure it didn't spring a leak. Here is some pics. Beside the one leaking gear reduction box, it did great. Even locked though with it to get back into our local pool. Tested couple tune changes, learned there is some...
  4. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    Think we can all agree that the economic impact will be much larger than anyone estimated. Even with the Trillions dumped into the US economy so far, many businesses won''t survive. While some others will come out of this way ahead. IE, drug and medical equipment companies.. Somebody is gonna...
  5. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    Best reply I've seen so far. :) After 9/11/01, this country came together and set politics aside under a common goal. Every major nation around the world supported our actions, and we took care of business.. 20yrs later, China kicked our asses without even firing a shot. While our closest...
  6. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    I completely agree they have approx 10% the amount of people in about same land mass as USA. So one could easily expect their numbers should land in the 600k total cases, with approx 20k deaths today correct? They aren't even near 1% of our numbers yet. Yet their population desnisty in two...
  7. kidturbo

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    I was wondering those exact same physics questions. So ya have a SS shaft, 1.75" diameter spinning 3000RPM, and a 18" diameter SS prop with 32" pitch and 18* rake on said shaft, and our phone landed somewhere in the 14" diameter range. S7 Active weighs in at 184.8 g not including the extra...
  8. kidturbo

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    Ah yeah, I also left my Samsung cell phone on top of Stbd outdrive, and sent it through a prop at 60mph Saturday. Wasn't exactly sure what the black pieces I spotted 100' in the air above the roost actually were, until I stopped the boat and noticed Pandora was no longer playing on the stereo...
  9. kidturbo

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    Got two more days of testing in. Have been working to cut the fuel back below 3000r. When I do, blowby drops significantly, but so doesn't it's ability to get on plane with the larger pitch props. From what I've learned so far, it's Lambda table controlling the fueling limits. And I've got it...
  10. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    The virus doesn't care about political association, but lets review some important facts and dates for the fun of it. On February 7 Trump knew how deadly the virus likely was, because the leader of China called him personally to explained it. That's the date and details in Trumps own recorded...
  11. kidturbo

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    Couple more videos below from yesterdays triumphant return to the water. I didn't post it on here, but on our last trip out besides a PS pump exploding, I somehow cracked "both" lower units. No real causes found, but it turned out to be in a structural location that encompassed the main oil...
  12. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    Facts show seatbelts do save lives. I was a hard core not gonna wear one, safer with out it, what if I run in the river type of advocate.. Basically because I'm old enough to remember riding in cars as a kid when nobody wore one.. Heck ya only had a lap belt if ya did want one. However all the...
  13. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    It's pretty clear that countries who had and followed a strategy based off science, are currently doing a lot better than us. Then today yo have the head of the CDC testify in front of the Senate that masks are our best defense, even better than a vacine. And that if everyone just wore a mask...
  14. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    I switched to driving big trucks, so far that's worked for me.. Got a Ranch Hand bumper coming for it next week since stupid seems to be on the rise lately... Sent from a reclined position using Tapatalk
  15. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    I have pretty low tollerance for drunk drivers. And these days that extends to people who treat covid with a "not my problem if it kills you attitude." I've learned first hand there is a difference between one drink over the limit got busted driving home from a party, and a 0.35bac functioning...
  16. kidturbo

    How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

    Of course your gonna have some messed up paperwork and such in the mix when your testing 100k people a day for anything. But I really don't believe all of the CDC researchers and the over worked medial staff in the US are in some huge conspiracy to try and kill off any more people more than are...
  17. kidturbo

    V3 Autocal Unboxing

    I've been happy with, and appreciate the support commitment shown from all the EFIlive crew over the decade I've been a customer. Especially as I've learned to use the tools to a fuller extent doing crazy stand alone applications. However as you start getting more into modifying things not...
  18. kidturbo

    V3 Autocal Unboxing

    Just plugged it into my neighbor's car to verify it actually does work correctly on a typical vehicle before I mess it up. Actually pretty impressed, nice display, good information on all nodes, and extra memory for data logging. Definitely some nice update for customer ease of use...
  19. kidturbo

    V3 Autocal Unboxing

    Almost forgot, comes with some warning labels on how not to fry it by accident. I didn't read em, but looked important.... Seriously, these do have a capacitor of some type onboard that needs to power down between cycles. So I'll give me a week to forget that. Sent from a reclined position...
  20. kidturbo

    V3 Autocal Unboxing

    Always wanted to do an unboxing video. My granddaughter loves watching the.. However I'm not up to that level yet.. But here's a couple of slides of one I just received. . Since I bricked 2 - V2 Autocal's within 10 minutes a couple weeks ago, would anyone like to places bets on how long a new...