How about New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and a few others that PURPOSEFULLY sent infected patients to nursing homes, essentially signing death warrants for those at the highest risk of infection, and doing this while the government supplied hospitals & such that they DEMANDED sat EMPTY! How many THOUSANDS died needlessly over those actions. And as to that "official" covid death count, does that still count those who died of motorcycle accidents, gunshots, and other unrelated death's, but tested positive for covid, so under the cdc guidelines they also got counted. Or how about flu deaths overnight dropping to zero. How about all theceeath's from people not going to the hospital for medical care that they needed because they were scared of catching covid, or those that died because hospitals cancelled so called "non-essential" procedures, and let's not forget depression(I know my wife has lost several students to it since covid started because of the lockdowns and it's effects).
Is covid real, yes, has it killed people, yes, could it have been handled differently, of course, hindsight is always 20/20. But to lay blame on the president because he didn't come out and set off a mass panic while supplies were already running out in the stores(I mean running out of TP, WTF), all while the likes of pelosi, biden, and other dems were saying Trump was blowing it out of proportion is beyond asinine. If Trump had sounded a massive lockdown, things would have been 1000 times worse than they got, and we would have wished our only concern was finding turd paper.
This whole thing has become a weapon for many seeking to grab power, has turned nations against themselves, setting off riots, all while china shoots us the bird having there music festivals and parties in wuhan, at ground zero where this all started, and taking full advantage of it to enrich themselves.