Looking for opinions on a tech disagreement.

JD Dave

In way over my head
May 19, 2008
Caledon, Ontario
You handled everything the right way. A tech should be a level headed individual who doesn't get upset. When I went to Sheid's the tech said let me check your turbo and when I started to unbolt intake he said forget about it. It doesn't take long to figure out who's cheating. The puller at question isn't needed in your organization if that is the way he's going to behave.


Mar 30, 2014
Schuyler NY
Agree with all the above and let other techs within a 500 mile radius know of his reindeer games
Most folks know him. Both snowmobile racing and truck pulling. My buddies tell me he's about the same at the sled races.

But on the other hand, I'm known for not being afraid to say what I think or point out the facts. Though I treat teching like I do work, selling parts or service, everyone gets fair and equal treatment.
in my opinion these events are in should remain family oriented. everyone was allowed to participate should presents a good example. there is truly no room for poor sportsmanship or temper tantrums. BAN HIM!!!!
His 14 year old was right there screaming with him. Doesn't get more family oriented than that
Dude would've left in an ambulance...
To be honest with ya, between his size advantage and the shitty cold I'm still today working on kicking, he probably could've slapped me and I'd been down for the count.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
You handled everything the right way. A tech should be a level headed individual who doesn't get upset. When I went to Sheid's the tech said let me check your turbo and when I started to unbolt intake he said forget about it. It doesn't take long to figure out who's cheating. The puller at question isn't needed in your organization if that is the way he's going to behave.

I wouldn't sweat it.
For yelling at the payout girl I'd ban him for the season. Or at least hold a vote with the organization to decide. Unless it's right in the rules that unruly disrespectful yahoo's will be punted, then it's no contest.


It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
To be honest with ya, between his size advantage and the shitty cold I'm still today working on kicking, he probably could've slapped me and I'd been down for the count.

The tech disagreement wouldn't bother me but him yelling at or flipping out on some poor lady would light my fuse. I'm just a little guy but I don't go for that kind of stuff. I've left an event before pissed off due to tech, but I was very polite when asking the ladies for my money back.


New member
Sep 17, 2014
If he can't play well with others, tell him to collect his toys and go home.
Don't let him back until he learns the rules.
Blank him and feed him beans. I say


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2014
Most folks know him. Both snowmobile racing and truck pulling. My buddies tell me he's about the same at the sled races.

His 14 year old was right there screaming with him. Doesn't get more family oriented than that

Yup real good role model to bad his father hood couldn't be band as well.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2014
Hope he reads this and gets the hint. My be he will look in the mirror and make a change for the better.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Bellingham, wa
Ban him. IMO top few trucks should always be looked at again after.

Should be no tolerance. You do as I say or you get DQ'd. Props to you for doing what was right. I work at a dirt track and there is always inspections done on the #1 car after the races are over.

It's sad how many people cheat :cool:


Active member
Feb 22, 2009
Cecil County Md
Here we have MAPA rules and a few interstate and you have to pull your mouthpiece prior to pulling and top 3 get teched after. No questions asked they will move you up to the biggest class where you likely have no chance with the big boys lol


New member
Mar 16, 2013
Anybody that reacts like that has something to hide. I'm glad you stuck to your guns and didn't back down. There should be more techs like you. We try to have our intakes pulled before the tech even comes over, because we know it's coming.


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
You asked two other competitors to remove there intakes and they agreed, they didn't follow through because you allowed them to stop. Whether they were also cheating or not was none of his business they were men and willing to accept what came at them. I'd give him the rest of the season off simply for not removing his intake when you asked him to.


Mar 30, 2014
Schuyler NY
Everyone seems heavy with the ban hammer. You would think we were talking about cummins owner or something .

Thanks everyone, I'm definitely feeling more confident in my decision now. :thumb:


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Alan, I've been in your shoes before.
I've been yelled at, called names, etc. and it doesn't bother me, but when they yell at our secretaries or treasurer (especially the girls) it pisses me off.

We had a puller refuse tech after a pull last year (unfortunately I was at the Buck and not at that event), but to my knowledge he was not overly disrespectful: He "should" have been banned, but he got off with just a DQ for the day (no points or prize money) and a decision was going to be made whether or not he could return. Several phone calls later consulting with the board members and others, it was decided that he could return but that his truck is up for tech anytime we feel like it. He returned to pull with us first pull this year and things went well.

Everyone is quick with the "ban hammer" and I agree in the perfect world it is the correct thing to do (and probably what we should have done), but as many of us know we do not live in a perfect world. What should be done and what is done are often 2 different things.

With the facts stated here (and it sounds as though at the end of the day his turbo was not checked), this is what I would do if it happened in our club (again only MY suggestion):

The first thing I would tell him (even before addressing the tech issue), is that disrespect to members and volunteers who are helping WILL NOT be tolerated and WILL result in a ban if it happens again (would also reiterate it at the drivers meeting). I would also throw in a jab about respecting women while I was at it (just because that's me).
I would then tell him that if he wants to pull with you again the truck will be THOROUGHLY teched before and after his pull and ANY time the tech(s) feel like it (for refusing the initial tech), and if he doesn't like it load the truck and leave.

People don't realize the work that goes into these pulls for little and more often times not, no compensation. The last thing we need is for these hot headed dip$hits to make it even tougher on those who are helping and volunteering.

Good Luck,
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future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
I'm Not suggesting he be banned for refusing to be teched, I think he should be banned for being disrespectful to the staff. I Like taking my children to events where competitors respect each other and staff. It's nice to see the second place man walk over and shake the winners hand. Fortunately this is how most diesel competitors act.