I'm 23, voted twice for President and the guy I've voted for hasn't won yet.
People my age are looking for handouts, it really is sad. I stopped going to community college and decided to start working instead for out family construction business because we weren't doing so well. Don't regret it but maybe someday I can go back but right now all of my friends are graduating and hugely in debt with no job offers. Or they just had mommy and daddy pay for everything they ever needed and are fine with sitting around. Most people I know graduate purely to graduate with whatever they have to most credits for and its pathetic.
When the country is completely broke and handouts stop some people are really in for a surprise.
The GOP really needs to wake up and either continue to embrace being religious nut jobs or try to minimize that image. I know a ton of guys my age that were very put of by comments made by GOP people over rape, and birth control. This is not the 1940s where everyone is religious, and while I did vote GOP, I am very upset by how much they brought religion into this race.
Religon is fine, but separation of church and state is paramount.
People need to wake up there is no free lunch!
Yes, there is, but you can only play that game for so long and so many don't realize that
It's just not the presidents elected that add to the debt but congress and their pork barrel spending to get bills passed.
What's odd is there is no accountability.
It is all in how you are brought up. I am 22 and like Cornell and probably the vast majority of you on here, was brought up within a family that expected me to be a responsible person. School, work, sports practices, etc.
I had to mindset hammered into my hat-rack from the get go that if I start something then I damned sure better stick with it. IMO, that is what is right. I see kids anymore, even some of my own family members, that feel like this country owes them something and over their dead body will work for something.
Instead of actually busting their ass and working for what they *think* they want, they expect it to be handed to them on a silver platter. It is an utter shame and I am seeing it more and more everyday.
I know I am only 22 but good hell children, pull your heads out of your asses and get some fkn sunlight. The "American Dream" ain't going to fall right in your lap, you must, and God forbid you do, WORK at it. I could rant on and on about the pethora of issues the youth today but I'm gonna stop clucking away now.
Carry on.
There is now TWENTY states that have a petition To secede from the United States to form their own government!