Westboro Baptist Church Gets Owned!

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Mar 5, 2009
washington state
Those idiots forget that if it wasn't for the men and women fighting for this nation and protecting all those in it, they would not have a place to protest or have any rights for the f'd things they do...:D In my book they are just as bad as the terrorists that try to take down our nation every day...


Jun 5, 2010
Central MN
I am a firm believer in Free Speech.

And gov't assistance.

Load the WBC on a C5 Galaxy and ship it and the congregation to Afghanistan, and let them have their Free Speech unimpeded by counter-protesters...

:thumb: Pat, I could not have said it better myself
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Sep 11, 2009
San Antonio, TX
Personally, I think a bunch of homo/Bi's should protest in front of their church, work and homes! Everyday non-stop for a few weeks. :woott:

To be honest, I'm surprised they're still alive. As crazy as the crap I hear and read on the news. I'm baffled how someone hasn't rolled into their church with guns and went crazy.

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
:thumb: They got what they deserved.

They were planning to come to my area and picket the funeral of 7 children that died in a farmhouse fire. They found out very quickly the area they were messing with. Whether it was a hollow threat to attach themselves to the story, or they were scared off, they didn't show. The attached story would have taken place in PA if they showed...people were up in arms.


May 5, 2010
I am glad someone in this case the town decided to stand up to them. Apparently they were in our area here recently and they were booted off the grounds of the GA Veterans Memorial.


New member
Jul 31, 2010
I got a bright idea lets hate the people. That gave us the right to free speach. ....what a bunch of f**kin idiots

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of them, but they're actually an anti-gay group not anti-soldier. They claim they protest funerals of soldiers because the soldiers deaths are caused by god in retribution for our society condoning/allowing/etc homosexuals.

In reality they're just reactionary, rabble rousing, incendiary assholes looking to get a rise out of people. They will take to any means they can to get attention for their crap.

In my opinion, the way to get rid of them is to ignore them. I know that's pretty much impossible given the degree to which they disrespect those who deserve respect the most, but as soon as their tactics don't get a rise out of people, they'll give up...

Not likely.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Words cannot describe how happy I am someone stood up to these scum sucking liberal pukes...they seriously make me violently ill.

After a couple of overseas tours myself and having a good friend of mine and the boards whose a two time Purple Heart recipient and a true hero in my mind it upsets me to my core that they are allowed to do this in our country....exercising the rights that we fight for :mad:

Liberal pukes? more like extreme right wackos


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
I'm not sure the Right or Left wants to claim them. :D

Saying they are anti-gay is probably not completely accurate either. They are helping the pro-gay movement by showing that anti-gay groups are ignorant wack jobs.

Since their current tactic is interrupting funerals for folk they don't even know, ignoring them isn't right. They need to be actively shunned and disrespected by responsible citizens.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Some of the responses here are quite surprising. Do you know every single person in the USA has the right to free speech? Just because some may not like what they have to say (Don't get me wrong I don't like what they do) Does not mean they can't say it, and any violence towards those people will get us nowhere and will just give "The Man" more power to take AWAY rights.

Some people really need to think before acting, just because these people are being idiots doesn't give cause for violence towards them. If they are picketting a funeral, the funeral home can have them removed for trespassing on private property, it's as simple as that.

These people even though idiots... are not threatening bodily harm to anyone... therefore anyone that does do something violent to them will be sitting in jail.

Just put this situation in your head, if one of these picketters says something you don't like and then someone threatens that person with a Knife or anything else... and by chance the protester is carrying he'd have every right to protect himself.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
Caldwell , Oh
Yes we all have the right to free speach . Yes the funeral home can kick them off their property :thumb:, but a lot of the cemeteries are public property so they can not be kept from doing their hate spewing crap .
I guess I would say put yourself in the shoes of a parent , sibling , friend , son or daughter of a veteran who has died fighting for the very right that these people are abusing . I along with tons of others on this forum would love to lay some violence down on the wbc , but there I also agree with you that violence just eggs them on . The article at the beginning of this thread is the best route in taking care of these a$$clowns in my opinion .

p.s. let us all say a prayer that the wbc church be struck by lightning and have a simultanious gas leak during service this sunday .

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Some of the responses here are quite surprising. Do you know every single person in the USA has the right to free speech? Just because some may not like what they have to say (Don't get me wrong I don't like what they do) Does not mean they can't say it, and any violence towards those people will get us nowhere and will just give "The Man" more power to take AWAY rights.

Some people really need to think before acting, just because these people are being idiots doesn't give cause for violence towards them. If they are picketting a funeral, the funeral home can have them removed for trespassing on private property, it's as simple as that.

These people even though idiots... are not threatening bodily harm to anyone... therefore anyone that does do something violent to them will be sitting in jail.

Just put this situation in your head, if one of these picketters says something you don't like and then someone threatens that person with a Knife or anything else... and by chance the protester is carrying he'd have every right to protect himself.

Really???!!!! Protesting a soldiers funeral saying praise the lord another fag military member is dead... I'd slit there f**kin throats if it was someone in my family they did that too. I guess I'm a comunist
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